Thursday, December 22, 2016
Writing In Hard Times...Part 2
Since my first article on this subject I have since returned home to my wife and children and it's a great blessing, though there has certainly been some tense times as well. Despite the difficulties, our family is starting to show signs of
maturing as a whole. Some of the better moments have been watching my wife, Tammy, laugh loudly. She hasn't laughed like that in a very long time! It's a real treat to see and hear! Our relationship is improving and each day we take slow steps build onto the better parts of our marriage and laughter is a very dependable medicine to use!
With my therapy sessions through a very good physiologist I have moved forward in a big way while employing lot's of prayer, of course. The old
saying, "taking baby steps", applies within many things but I have found that
the logic of that old phrase applies appropriately to a marriage! Going to a physiologist may leave a certain impression upon the minds of most people, I am delighted to be able to go. It's been an eye~opening experience! Each of us need to `vent` to a family member or a best friend at least once in a while to release stress. Stress can be a killer!
Writing as a daily practice is a must~do exercise for any writer, I have been blessed to continue that practice since returning home. Sure there are distractions but a writer just makes it work, somehow! When you love something, you just simply do what's necessary to reach your goals. Anyone who sets personal goals always runs into distractions but the distractions can be a catalyst for success! Simply put, whatever we love or have a passion about is worth every minute of the struggle.
Writing while getting through hard times can become a great teacher! It is during these times that many writers have done their greatest work! Whether they are writer's from centuries past or current ones, learning inner~truths can be a great strengthening tool and whether it's a side~hobby or a career, writing opens doors to places that can come only from the imagination of man! God created humans to be creative also! That's an awesome truth to realize!
Relationships are a moment~by~moment theme and the writer has a relationship with his or her readers as well as with himself. Coming up with topics, research, outlines and the time to write is hard work, often exhausting work but one that I am willing to go through in order to realize my dream and bring glory to God with the written word!
Jeff pendleton
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Spreading Fear
No one can deny that our country is divided in many different areas
of society! It's a sad commentary on our nation that squabbles over
issues that have little or nothing to do with the eternal! This earth and
all who occupy it are only here for a temporary time. Any one of us
could pass from life to death in a few seconds, and many do! We are
temporary, corporeal creatures who miss out on much of what life has
to offer because we are so busy stirring up strife between us!
The mainstream media does what is told to do by the "elites" who
are truly the instigators behind all that is reported and shown as
truth but is, in fact, poisonous lies that cause division! These so~called
elites couldn't care less about you and me but they are wholly after their
own agendas. Their motivation for dividing this nation is wrapped in
greed and evil intentions. They are schemes out to do the devils bidding!
A divided people can not stand and that's what this vermon wants! Much
of what we see and hear on the evening newscast is propaganda and it is
drummed up in order that strife will overcome the foundations of our
country. America is very much at a `turning point` just as we were in the
Cival war of the 1860s! Will there be another cival war which will bring
the death's of thousands, including children this time, and leave our
nation primed for an invasion. From all the evidence presented by hard
working and diligent researchers, all signs point to that being the case!
These divisions can be subdued and extracted from our society in a very
simple way. By following the words of Jesus Christ and..."do unto others
as you would have them do unto you". It's just that dimple. If each of us
would treat those people we come into contact with each day in the
manner that we want them to treat us, there would be very little division
in our land and much more in the way of provisions, friendships and
prosperity! Everyone of us would benefit greatly! But those who conduct
themselves in evil deeds will soon fall by the very same which they inflict
upon other's.
There need not be divisions among us, only taking care of our neighbors
needs first and then our needs shall be met. It's the law of `sowing and
reaping` and it works the same in life as it does on the farm! Sowing good
seeds will not bring bad crops but only good ones. The same is true of
wicked seeds being sown as well!
I say, "out with division and in with serving [not slavery] each other".
It may sound radical and strange and, I guess, it is to a society that has
not put it into practice. Just remember this, Jesus does not lie and his
word can be absolutely trusted! If we choose to pick up this mantle
and display it among our neighbors, whether in small towns or big
metropolis cities, it will yield a greater nation and we could once again
be proud to be Americans!
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Trying To Make A Good Life From Writing
I was about 13 when I was first bitten with the writing-bug! Back then my stories were usually
wrapped up in sports, basketball in particular but I also began to write about paranormal things
as well. Of course, we didn't even know what the word ^paranormal^ meant at that time! I was
intrigued with the art of sitting down with a blank piece of paper and a pencil (later I got a typewriter) and writing down just exactly what my imagination would bring out. There were times when writing about basketball that I would mix some facts along with fiction and sort of add myself in there as a member of the team, whether it was the UK Wildcats or the Kentucky Colonels, it really didn't matter
much. I was having tons of fun writing anything and everything I could think of. Sadly. most of the
articles and stories I wrote at that time were lost or thrown away because at 13 I wasn't thinking about
preserving much of anything, including all the great sports cards I had, rookie cards especially. Jeez!
Throughout my tough teen years I still kept the writing going at a pretty regular pace. I did notice,
however, that some of the stories began taking a more paranormal stint than that of sports writing. I
wasn't sure why but I continued piling up the scary stories and mostly dealt with the haunted
mansion-type articles or stories on Bigfoot and the Lochness Monster. I had this strange affinity
for both of these cryptids. I'm not sure one can call the Lochness Monster a cryptid, though! All
of it was tremendous fun for me, just allowing my imagination to roam from here to there, up or
down, it really was a wide open canvas.
As I have aged, or maybe grown up would sound better, I fell in love with the art even more
intensely and that's where I am today, at 54, doing my best (?) to begin a rewarding career writing
for fun and for a living. I am not trying to just "get by", I want to have a successful career with
that which I love to do and , maybe, sometime in the near future, it will open up new opportunities
that I haven't even considered yet. God has blessed me so much and I am absolutely confident that
he will continue to bless as long as my priorities are correctly lined up and I give the glory to him.
Until next time, be blessed and less stressed, folks
jeff Pendleton
wrapped up in sports, basketball in particular but I also began to write about paranormal things
as well. Of course, we didn't even know what the word ^paranormal^ meant at that time! I was
intrigued with the art of sitting down with a blank piece of paper and a pencil (later I got a typewriter) and writing down just exactly what my imagination would bring out. There were times when writing about basketball that I would mix some facts along with fiction and sort of add myself in there as a member of the team, whether it was the UK Wildcats or the Kentucky Colonels, it really didn't matter
much. I was having tons of fun writing anything and everything I could think of. Sadly. most of the
articles and stories I wrote at that time were lost or thrown away because at 13 I wasn't thinking about
preserving much of anything, including all the great sports cards I had, rookie cards especially. Jeez!
Throughout my tough teen years I still kept the writing going at a pretty regular pace. I did notice,
however, that some of the stories began taking a more paranormal stint than that of sports writing. I
wasn't sure why but I continued piling up the scary stories and mostly dealt with the haunted
mansion-type articles or stories on Bigfoot and the Lochness Monster. I had this strange affinity
for both of these cryptids. I'm not sure one can call the Lochness Monster a cryptid, though! All
of it was tremendous fun for me, just allowing my imagination to roam from here to there, up or
down, it really was a wide open canvas.
As I have aged, or maybe grown up would sound better, I fell in love with the art even more
intensely and that's where I am today, at 54, doing my best (?) to begin a rewarding career writing
for fun and for a living. I am not trying to just "get by", I want to have a successful career with
that which I love to do and , maybe, sometime in the near future, it will open up new opportunities
that I haven't even considered yet. God has blessed me so much and I am absolutely confident that
he will continue to bless as long as my priorities are correctly lined up and I give the glory to him.
Until next time, be blessed and less stressed, folks
jeff Pendleton
Saturday, December 10, 2016
Guys, Trucks And The Love Affair
What is about a good~lookin, big, New truck, whether it's a Ford, Chevy or Toyota, that makes a man's mouth water, his eyes fixed on what he sees, as if that hunk of metal and hard plastic were a beautiful woman? I have asked myself that question more than once and the conclusion is a little embarrassing, to be honest! For an adult male, let's say guys my age, in their fifties, to see a fine looking truck and to lose all their right~
thinking senses, immediately falling in love, as they did with their first `serious`girl
friend, it's almost comical. I am one of these men! I'm guilty of the scene which I just
It seems odd but I am convinced that there is solid evidence of this on the roads we
travel each and every day. Women don't understand, for the most part, how this
happens. Trucks are just means of transportation, right? Wrong! A man's truck is his
baby. It's a part of his soul and it actually effects the way he thinks! You can see the
evidence of this on any sunny, spring, Saturday afternoon, after he has just purchased
his "New" toy! Of course, it's a very expensive toy but the mindset of guys like us is
one of (dare I say it) a serious love~affair! There is certainly great care and affection
met when a man is able to shop for his new truck and the grand moment of buying
the one he `feels` is the one that belongs to him. Perhaps there is counselling offered
by someone somewhere on this `condition` and there may be a very real need of the
I started noticing this activity a few months ago as I observed myself and also talked
to other men with the same "affliction" begin to stare and look over every inch of the
vehicle, as it truly is, with the excitement of a little on Christmas morning or on his
birthday. A phenomenon that may need further study by those in the field, whatever
that field might be! My wife has giggled at Mr when she sees me doing this at the
moment it occurs. I have to be very careful at this point too because I tread on thin ice
with this `addictive` habit! Don't rock mom's boat, buddy! WARNING, WSRNING, RED ALERT. There is even an added concern that some therapy is needed when the
same guy (me) goes `bugged~eyed` with the diecast version's of the same type of
trucks, whether older or newer! A serious collector could get himself into a bad
situation in this case!
Let me say that there is nothing wrong with a man, or woman, to have certain `feelings` over physical objects! Just watch throngs of people of both sexes go
bonkers on the yearly `black Friday` massacre sales after Thanksgiving. Wow! By
the way, I have a big problem with the label of "black" Friday! Why couldn't it be
called, "give away Friday" or even "crazy sales Friday" instead of putting a dark
hue and of subliminal tent to the darkest part of people's soul's? In my opinion,
That's done on purpose. You can witness the horrible attitude of folks in any
mall or store on that particular day! Let's get a new tag~line started and 're~name`
this time of the year. It really does matter how we think about things and the subject
of men who love trucks is an obvious example!
Of course, for the most part, I am being `light hearted` about this but I hope I
am also making an observation which has truth to it and can be a very good dinner~
conversation piece! Watch the laughter when a group or couple bring this up the
next time the topic comes up. Funny, man!
So, with all that said, let's be ourselves, relax and carry on this love~affair with
any and all trucks, whatever your preference, and just have fun with it. Not too
much fun, though!
thinking senses, immediately falling in love, as they did with their first `serious`girl
friend, it's almost comical. I am one of these men! I'm guilty of the scene which I just
It seems odd but I am convinced that there is solid evidence of this on the roads we
travel each and every day. Women don't understand, for the most part, how this
happens. Trucks are just means of transportation, right? Wrong! A man's truck is his
baby. It's a part of his soul and it actually effects the way he thinks! You can see the
evidence of this on any sunny, spring, Saturday afternoon, after he has just purchased
his "New" toy! Of course, it's a very expensive toy but the mindset of guys like us is
one of (dare I say it) a serious love~affair! There is certainly great care and affection
met when a man is able to shop for his new truck and the grand moment of buying
the one he `feels` is the one that belongs to him. Perhaps there is counselling offered
by someone somewhere on this `condition` and there may be a very real need of the
I started noticing this activity a few months ago as I observed myself and also talked
to other men with the same "affliction" begin to stare and look over every inch of the
vehicle, as it truly is, with the excitement of a little on Christmas morning or on his
birthday. A phenomenon that may need further study by those in the field, whatever
that field might be! My wife has giggled at Mr when she sees me doing this at the
moment it occurs. I have to be very careful at this point too because I tread on thin ice
with this `addictive` habit! Don't rock mom's boat, buddy! WARNING, WSRNING, RED ALERT. There is even an added concern that some therapy is needed when the
same guy (me) goes `bugged~eyed` with the diecast version's of the same type of
trucks, whether older or newer! A serious collector could get himself into a bad
situation in this case!
Let me say that there is nothing wrong with a man, or woman, to have certain `feelings` over physical objects! Just watch throngs of people of both sexes go
bonkers on the yearly `black Friday` massacre sales after Thanksgiving. Wow! By
the way, I have a big problem with the label of "black" Friday! Why couldn't it be
called, "give away Friday" or even "crazy sales Friday" instead of putting a dark
hue and of subliminal tent to the darkest part of people's soul's? In my opinion,
That's done on purpose. You can witness the horrible attitude of folks in any
mall or store on that particular day! Let's get a new tag~line started and 're~name`
this time of the year. It really does matter how we think about things and the subject
of men who love trucks is an obvious example!
Of course, for the most part, I am being `light hearted` about this but I hope I
am also making an observation which has truth to it and can be a very good dinner~
conversation piece! Watch the laughter when a group or couple bring this up the
next time the topic comes up. Funny, man!
So, with all that said, let's be ourselves, relax and carry on this love~affair with
any and all trucks, whatever your preference, and just have fun with it. Not too
much fun, though!
Monday, December 5, 2016
A Sense For End~Time Events
Maybe this article should have been moved over to the Its Crunch Time blog site but
I'm thinking that because so much is going on in this world today, from riots across several states to terrible shootings where young teenagers have been killed, to older
diseases returning and causing much illness in the world and onto all the very
mysterious phenomena increasing a hundred~fold, I believe it's easy to say that we are in a crucial time of human history! So, really, all of these events could easily be under the label of, Oh By The Way, for their content alone!
Whether one watches mainstream media or opts for the better alternative news
broadcast online, we must all agree that this world is in s very rough and dangerous
predicament. Though there are always the proverbial "silver lining"in every dark cloud, a way to turn the bad into something good and right, we can then have hope!
Chaos may appear to be winning the battle on earth but those who abide in the
strength and powerful truth of God's word know that the end result of every event
including the last battle upon the earth called, Armageddon, will be absolute and total triumph through our LORD Jesus Christ! That's exciting for me and for every Christian who loves God and wants nothing more than to submit to him in all areas of life.
Don't let your thoughts deceive you. Each of us have been given great gifts, talents to use for God's glory and to bring more and more souls to his kingdom for all eternity!
What a phenomenal thing to look forward to! Wooooooooooo!
During most recent events, such mysterious creatures as Sasquatch, or Bigfoot, other cryptids like Dogmen and shadow~beings are more frequently being reported. There is much in the spiritual world which often manifests into the physical world! Ufo sightings have doubled in sightings either after or before the recent earthquake deluge throughout the world! The unidentified craft have also been seen for several years very near nuclear plants across America. It appears they are very interested in these sites for reasons which could be challenging the national security of the U.S.
More and more Ghost~hunting groups are popping up throughout America and the U.K. and there are scores of e p captures along with video events showing glowing los of light, dark shadows moving through rooms and hallways, creepy banging noises inside facilities or homes which have been abandoned! You could say that the spiritual world is doing everything it can to interact with ours, for what reasons we can not yet tell. Ongoing investigations are turning up evidences of all of these entities and and even more high strangeness in innumerable occasions
Certainly if you are one who has great interest in these things, then an abundance
of events and occurrences do not lack in global number! We should, however, be very aware of the dangers and intentions of these entities and whether a certain site is legitimate or not. Time wasted is time lost! I for one am drawn to these strange things and have been since my teen years. They seem to intertwine with one another on several occasions. For instance, where there have been sightings of Sasquatch there has been an increase in ufos activity. When shadow figures are reported then many times the investigators record e.v.p. evidence, electronic voice phenomena.
Without don't, there is much high strangeness happening around the globe but not everyone is a believer in much of these manifestations. That's to be expected but it doesn't mean that those of us that investigate such things should put away our equipment and fold up the tents because things seem a little tough. We carry our
passion and our resolve into these happenings with an even greater surge of adrenaline and assurance that what we are looking for is worth our time and energy and for most of us, it is simply our calling by God to expose any deception by any of the creatures or ghostly images and warn those who will listen.
It's an and crucial investigation and ministry at the same time! We must carry on.
I'm thinking that because so much is going on in this world today, from riots across several states to terrible shootings where young teenagers have been killed, to older
diseases returning and causing much illness in the world and onto all the very
mysterious phenomena increasing a hundred~fold, I believe it's easy to say that we are in a crucial time of human history! So, really, all of these events could easily be under the label of, Oh By The Way, for their content alone!
Whether one watches mainstream media or opts for the better alternative news
broadcast online, we must all agree that this world is in s very rough and dangerous
predicament. Though there are always the proverbial "silver lining"in every dark cloud, a way to turn the bad into something good and right, we can then have hope!
Chaos may appear to be winning the battle on earth but those who abide in the
strength and powerful truth of God's word know that the end result of every event
including the last battle upon the earth called, Armageddon, will be absolute and total triumph through our LORD Jesus Christ! That's exciting for me and for every Christian who loves God and wants nothing more than to submit to him in all areas of life.
Don't let your thoughts deceive you. Each of us have been given great gifts, talents to use for God's glory and to bring more and more souls to his kingdom for all eternity!
What a phenomenal thing to look forward to! Wooooooooooo!
During most recent events, such mysterious creatures as Sasquatch, or Bigfoot, other cryptids like Dogmen and shadow~beings are more frequently being reported. There is much in the spiritual world which often manifests into the physical world! Ufo sightings have doubled in sightings either after or before the recent earthquake deluge throughout the world! The unidentified craft have also been seen for several years very near nuclear plants across America. It appears they are very interested in these sites for reasons which could be challenging the national security of the U.S.
More and more Ghost~hunting groups are popping up throughout America and the U.K. and there are scores of e p captures along with video events showing glowing los of light, dark shadows moving through rooms and hallways, creepy banging noises inside facilities or homes which have been abandoned! You could say that the spiritual world is doing everything it can to interact with ours, for what reasons we can not yet tell. Ongoing investigations are turning up evidences of all of these entities and and even more high strangeness in innumerable occasions
Certainly if you are one who has great interest in these things, then an abundance
of events and occurrences do not lack in global number! We should, however, be very aware of the dangers and intentions of these entities and whether a certain site is legitimate or not. Time wasted is time lost! I for one am drawn to these strange things and have been since my teen years. They seem to intertwine with one another on several occasions. For instance, where there have been sightings of Sasquatch there has been an increase in ufos activity. When shadow figures are reported then many times the investigators record e.v.p. evidence, electronic voice phenomena.
Without don't, there is much high strangeness happening around the globe but not everyone is a believer in much of these manifestations. That's to be expected but it doesn't mean that those of us that investigate such things should put away our equipment and fold up the tents because things seem a little tough. We carry our
passion and our resolve into these happenings with an even greater surge of adrenaline and assurance that what we are looking for is worth our time and energy and for most of us, it is simply our calling by God to expose any deception by any of the creatures or ghostly images and warn those who will listen.
It's an and crucial investigation and ministry at the same time! We must carry on.
Thursday, December 1, 2016
The Most Recent UFO Sightings Increasing
Their back! I suppose we shouldn't be surprised by the most recent accounts of unidentified craft over many parts of the world. It would be absolutely ignorant for any who take this phenomena seriously or for those who do not, as well! The sightings have been numerous and reported over several country's. It would appear that since the presidential election ere in America over three weeks ago that the ufos have made open appearances in the skies of Turkey and Russia in particular. Some mainstream media outlets have reported on these sightings but said very little!
There have been witness accounts in Texas, New Jersey and Ohio in the past weeks also. It's curious that the spike in activity since the Presidential election has been n such a high scale. It would seem to suggest that whatever these craft are they are getting closer to us and broadening their territory! One can only assume that we will see even more occurrences over the next week's and months going into the new year of 2017.
Speculation about a very possible announcement or disclosure from current president Obama could be forthcoming. Russian president Putin has been reported to doing exactly that if Obama refuses! It will quite interesting to watch the events unfold in
the coming days ahead. Many of the reported sightings have been captured on
video and there appears to be a correlation between several accounts. On at least five of the reports it appears that each of the lights form s triangular shape and move into erratic positions as they traverse our air~space and further.
As I have written on this subject for the last two decades, the focus now appears to be on simultaneous reports and sightings throughout the globe. It is obvious that with closer contact comes an appointed agenda. What would they want from us or what will they reveal to us as far as their intentions? I have a sneaking suspicion that it's
much more than just observation or greetings! There is no doubt an agenda here and we have to expect that, with the increasing activity, there will be a shocking revelation unfolded before the people of the earth!
Don't be surprised by anything that you may see or hear on this enigmatic subject on the horizon. It could be life~changing for many of us or it could be seen as the deception suspected by those who are believers in God's word that during the last days various deceptions will come about and only through the light of his holy word through Jesus Christ can any of us survive!
Keep close to his word and listen for the shepherds call, folks!
Jeff pendleton
There have been witness accounts in Texas, New Jersey and Ohio in the past weeks also. It's curious that the spike in activity since the Presidential election has been n such a high scale. It would seem to suggest that whatever these craft are they are getting closer to us and broadening their territory! One can only assume that we will see even more occurrences over the next week's and months going into the new year of 2017.
Speculation about a very possible announcement or disclosure from current president Obama could be forthcoming. Russian president Putin has been reported to doing exactly that if Obama refuses! It will quite interesting to watch the events unfold in
the coming days ahead. Many of the reported sightings have been captured on
video and there appears to be a correlation between several accounts. On at least five of the reports it appears that each of the lights form s triangular shape and move into erratic positions as they traverse our air~space and further.
As I have written on this subject for the last two decades, the focus now appears to be on simultaneous reports and sightings throughout the globe. It is obvious that with closer contact comes an appointed agenda. What would they want from us or what will they reveal to us as far as their intentions? I have a sneaking suspicion that it's
much more than just observation or greetings! There is no doubt an agenda here and we have to expect that, with the increasing activity, there will be a shocking revelation unfolded before the people of the earth!
Don't be surprised by anything that you may see or hear on this enigmatic subject on the horizon. It could be life~changing for many of us or it could be seen as the deception suspected by those who are believers in God's word that during the last days various deceptions will come about and only through the light of his holy word through Jesus Christ can any of us survive!
Keep close to his word and listen for the shepherds call, folks!
Jeff pendleton
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Writing During Hard Times
My passion for writing is what drives me without a doubt! However, writing during a time of seperation in my marriage is difficult to say the least. In order to concentrate on ideas and subject~matter one has really be a one~track~minded person, so getting that accomplished is a celebration for me!
Really, difficulties in my marriage have changed my perspective in several areas of my character and my self~image. Certainly, it takes both people to build a solid foundation for any marriage and in the same vain it takes both to tear one down! The change in my character have been positive and encouraging, focused mainly on how I view myself at this present time. It's much more secure and I have gained a confidence in my ability to write and do whatever it takes to make it happen. The encouraging part has come from the support of my pastor and friends at church along with some uplifting conversations with others that I don't get to talk to that much! I'm very grateful for all of that.
As for the situations that have made my 17year marriage take a down~turn have to be put at my feet because it's my responsibility to be the leader and provider for my family! There is no doubt that any restoration at all is going to have to be , primarily, my deal! My wife is the only one who knows how she feels toward me now. I have no clue and, really, it's not on me but on her! All I can and should do is be a gentleman and try my best to be the guy she fell in love with over 17 years ago.
As for the writing, I am having fun learning, reading, researching and getting ideas for projects and which publications are looking for my type of writing. I mainly stay within the poetry/short story genre and that's what is the most exciting for me. Lots of ideas swirling around in my head and also some emotional stuff that I need to get out on paper which serves as some therapy. It's all coming together and I'm excited about the future for both writing and in my marriage! No matter what the results are, I am trusting God with it all!
A right attitude and mind~set are the springboard from which I can jump into both challenges and prevail in each one! Working on any project requires consistency and determination and without one or the other anyone can make a start on something but most probably never finish it. It's much more important to finish strong than to start strong!
As for the future of my writing, it's really just beginning and prayers from my friends and family are vital for any success! Also for my wife and I in our marriage so that's exactly what I'm asking for from my readers here on the blog. I give my thanks and gratitude to each one of you and ask that God blesses you all.
Jeff pendleton
Really, difficulties in my marriage have changed my perspective in several areas of my character and my self~image. Certainly, it takes both people to build a solid foundation for any marriage and in the same vain it takes both to tear one down! The change in my character have been positive and encouraging, focused mainly on how I view myself at this present time. It's much more secure and I have gained a confidence in my ability to write and do whatever it takes to make it happen. The encouraging part has come from the support of my pastor and friends at church along with some uplifting conversations with others that I don't get to talk to that much! I'm very grateful for all of that.
As for the situations that have made my 17year marriage take a down~turn have to be put at my feet because it's my responsibility to be the leader and provider for my family! There is no doubt that any restoration at all is going to have to be , primarily, my deal! My wife is the only one who knows how she feels toward me now. I have no clue and, really, it's not on me but on her! All I can and should do is be a gentleman and try my best to be the guy she fell in love with over 17 years ago.
As for the writing, I am having fun learning, reading, researching and getting ideas for projects and which publications are looking for my type of writing. I mainly stay within the poetry/short story genre and that's what is the most exciting for me. Lots of ideas swirling around in my head and also some emotional stuff that I need to get out on paper which serves as some therapy. It's all coming together and I'm excited about the future for both writing and in my marriage! No matter what the results are, I am trusting God with it all!
A right attitude and mind~set are the springboard from which I can jump into both challenges and prevail in each one! Working on any project requires consistency and determination and without one or the other anyone can make a start on something but most probably never finish it. It's much more important to finish strong than to start strong!
As for the future of my writing, it's really just beginning and prayers from my friends and family are vital for any success! Also for my wife and I in our marriage so that's exactly what I'm asking for from my readers here on the blog. I give my thanks and gratitude to each one of you and ask that God blesses you all.
Jeff pendleton
Saturday, November 26, 2016
A Digital Future?
I for one love to hold a physical, real book within my hands and snuggling upon my lap. That's just me, though. Actually, it's not just me, it's other's as well! I was reminded of this preference of mine during a therapy session yesterday, on the day they call, "black Friday". I have wondered why the day after the Thanksgiving holiday is dubbed as `black`Friday? It has little to nothing to do with color but it paints a subliminal
message of darkness and selfish gain! Not ingredients which lead us into the most celebrated and covetous day of the entire year...Christmas! Sadly, this holiday has become all about being first in line, first in decorating~prize of our neighborhood and care d it card bills which usually get maxed~out by Spring time!
I don't like the dark connotation that has slithered it's way into this special day of giving like a black snake in the grass! It was never intended to be labeled as the most competitive time of the year but as a time of being thankful for the greatest gift of all time, Jesus Christ the LORD! No, I am not naive but I am well~aware of message given by major corporations and even small stores as to the intended goal on the day after our Thanksgiving meals and family time together! It's about profit and greed! There are no two ways about it and it's not hidden from us at all. In fact, it is paraded as the best day to get the best deals of the official shopping~season!
Doesn't it seem somewhat strange to us that one day after we
Have enjoyed our families and wonderful, well~prepared meals that hour's later we change into a self~centered, rude and on some occasions even dangerous all because it is our goal to get the "deal of the holiday" during this time? It causes me to pause and wonder...Have we gone mad, as a society? The answer may be surprising to most.
An entire generation can remember what the Christmas holiday brought with it. My generation remembers the joy of decorating trees, houses and whole towns with such beautiful lighting and slowing down from the hustle and bustle of every day life while smiling and being kinder to those around us than we have most of the year! The season of jingle bells, horse~drawn carriage rides, a cold but enjoyable time outside, playing touch football in the backyard. Most of all and most importantly, the true reason for Christmas....the birth of the Christ. The redeemed of mankind! Wooooooooooo! That's what fires me up over everything else.
It is my hope and prayer that, as a society, we can return to that kind of celebration, gift~giving, thankful and worshipful attitude once again before it becomes too late and the at which is called, "black Friday" and now "cyber Monday" expands into an entire year of nothing but greed, hurt and unhappiness! If we do not turn, this kind of atmosphere and treatment of Christmas awaits us in the near~future!
May we rise together as one generation who remembers the truth of Christmas and spreads that joyful attitude to the present and future generation to come.
Jeff pendleton
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Is This A Real Change?
Coming in January we will swear~in a brand new President for America! While many conservatives and Christians are ecstatic over the victory by Final Trump, there are a host of other's who are disgruntled, unhappy, hateful in their responses to the final announcement and just plain mean! They are spewing out some of the worst comments ever over the selection of 2016' One can almost feel the heat from their awful fiery indignation from our tv and computer screens. Wow!
This was a tense and close fight in the first few hours but Mr.Trump pulled away gradually toward the closing of several late polls and vital states to win. It was agonizing for some and shocking for others! It may very well have been the most important and significant elections (selections?) in our nation's long history!
Whether you for Clinton or Trump is really not what makes this election of 2016 so vital. It's what comes next that will truly tell where our nation is headed. On a good path or a darker, more deceptive one. Though I want to believe in my heart that the final say on this presidential battle is one that will lift the spirit's of many Americans and create new and 're~newed allies with those who have looked at the U.S. with disgust and disrespect, I also am keeping watch over the events to come. What I refer to is such statements Mr.Trump has made about being Israel's true ally once again and stand strong in his position of defending Jerusalem as the capital of the nation, that he will help lift up the so~called `middle class` of this country and he will end the corruption of the federal and local governments nation~wide. If these promises be true and genuine then I say, "more power to you, .President"!
Trump is anything but a politician! He is most certainly a bluesman first and foremost! He knows how to build businesses and make them grow. He will bring that same attitude the the White House, hopefully because, though he appears tough, rugged, loud~mouthed `know~it~all`, and has many godly people around him at the present time, he must still keep to hid word if his tenure as President will execute true change in the nation!
Far and above all, he must have faith in God! His self~efforts will fail, as they do for each one of us who attempts to do things `our way` and leave God out of it.
He has accepted the personal prayers of folks around him and his appearance looks to be a definitive characteristic of who Final Trump really is. But let's just remember one thing first. He is human and he will , no doubt , make many mistakes along the way and , perhaps , decisions which will rub even his constituents the wrong way, so he needs the help and wisdom of "God fearing" men and women beside him!
There is much wrong with America today, as we all know, but there also can be much made right and corrected under good leadership! Barring any evil shenanigans of those who devise evil plots, this President will help bring the old America I grew up in and mix it with a revolution of folks determined to abide by the constitution and laws of our land to "let our light shine in this dark world" and have the faith in God above to bless us once again!
This is my hope and prayer but I must say also that we should all, that is Christians, keep our eyes wide open to a massive deception which is very possible! As a popular saying goes....."I'm just sayin". Remember that only through repentance and a true turning to The LORD will this country see and better days. It is absolutely up to us first because God's judgement begins at home not out there. Be blessed folks!
Jeff Pendleton
Saturday, November 5, 2016
Choosing Unity, Not Division
I was never very good with math problems throughout school! Oh, I could do the basics pretty well....adding, subtracting, multiplication and division, but after that point, I was lost. Like a ship without it's compass or even a lighthouse on some shore to guide it, I was in dire straits when the dreaded algebra came along and interrupted my young life....yuk! My sweet wife was the very same, as I am sure many other students of our era were as well! We got along fine with the basics but the toughest was trying to learn something that, on paper, did not look right and made no sense!
Life can the very same for each of us when we are divided in our relation~
ships with each other. We get our feathers ruffled at the least little problem or challenge that puts us out of our "comfort zone". We don't particularly like change as a whole and most certainly not in an area we are comfortable in!
However, that's exactly what life is about. Changing and growing. Getting pushed or gently nudged out of our "comfort zones". Like a warm blanket we have held onto for decades, we get used to things and situations that keep us at ease, not challenged!
In Spiritual situations, we often come face to face with areas of change and growing in our relationships with other's in church and most often with the leadership in churches. Being approached by someone of a leadership role in a church to ask us to, perhaps, take over a Sunday school class or become a deacon or usher can be a shock to our `normal` thing of just sitting on a
nice, warm pew or seat and letting the choir and the Pastor do all the work.
It's like that old enemy called algebra has returned to haunt us. Oh, man!
In whatever vocation, business or relationship we happen to be in, I am willing to bet that we all would much rather be a part of a United organization than a divided one. Being a member of a local church should be no different. In many ways a church has to be ran with many of the same principles as any business, without becoming seen as a typical business. There is certainly a fine line here that should not be crossed! A church is considered a `house of worship` and not a business organization! Sadly, many churches are accused of being nothing more than `money~hungry religious`crooks and preacher's are placed at the front of this accusation.
It is because of division that many families and even businesses fall apart! If there is no unity nothing which was designed to stand or stay together can prosper! In the family unit(ed) the parents are appointed as the overseers or caretakers of the family. The children, of course, play a big role as well. As a whole, when everyone does their part to help in family matters, one often sees a happy and tranquil unit. It's the very same in a church or business. Unity keeps things and people together where division tears things and people apart!
Now is the time for all of, as a nation, to come together in unity and put an end to the orchestrated division which those behind the scenes, the hidden elite, have perpetrated for more than a century! America must heed the same slogan that is a `backdrop` for a free people of any nation or community..."United we stand, divided we fall".
It's absolutely up to each individual who cares about righteousness and obeying the law of the land in order for unity to prevail! To do otherwise will bring destruction upon us in a very quick and dire ending!
Let us put the other person's needs first and ours will also then be met.
Jeff pendleton
Choosing Unity, Not Division
I was never very good with math problems throughout school! Oh, I could do the basics pretty well....adding, subtracting, multiplication and division, but after that point, I was lost. Like a ship without it's compass or even a lighthouse on some shore to guide it, I was in dire straits when the dreaded algebra came along and interrupted my young life....yuk! My sweet wife was the very same, as I am sure many other students of our era were as well! We got along fine with the basics but the toughest was trying to learn something that, on paper, did not look right and made no sense!
Life can the very same for each of us when we are divided in our relation~
ships with each other. We get our feathers ruffled at the least little problem or challenge that puts us out of our "comfort zone". We don't particularly like change as a whole and most certainly not in an area we are comfortable in!
However, that's exactly what life is about. Changing and growing. Getting pushed or gently nudged out of our "comfort zones". Like a warm blanket we have held onto for decades, we get used to things and situations that keep us at ease, not challenged!
In Spiritual situations, we often come face to face with areas of change and growing in our relationships with other's in church and most often with the leadership in churches. Being approached by someone of a leadership role in a church to ask us to, perhaps, take over a Sunday school class or become a deacon or usher can be a shock to our `normal` thing of just sitting on a
nice, warm pew or seat and letting the choir and the Pastor do all the work.
It's like that old enemy called algebra has returned to haunt us. Oh, man!
In whatever vocation, business or relationship we happen to be in, I am willing to bet that we all would much rather be a part of a United organization than a divided one. Being a member of a local church should be no different. In many ways a church has to be ran with many of the same principles as any business, without becoming seen as a typical business. There is certainly a fine line here that should not be crossed! A church is considered a `house of worship` and not a business organization! Sadly, many churches are accused of being nothing more than `money~hungry religious`crooks and preacher's are placed at the front of this accusation.
It is because of division that many families and even businesses fall apart! If there is no unity nothing which was designed to stand or stay together can prosper! In the family unit(ed) the parents are appointed as the overseers or caretakers of the family. The children, of course, play a big role as well. As a whole, when everyone does their part to help in family matters, one often sees a happy and tranquil unit. It's the very same in a church or business. Unity keeps things and people together where division tears things and people apart!
Now is the time for all of, as a nation, to come together in unity and put an end to the orchestrated division which those behind the scenes, the hidden elite, have perpetrated for more than a century! America must heed the same slogan that is a `backdrop` for a free people of any nation or community..."United we stand, divided we fall".
It's absolutely up to each individual who cares about righteousness and obeying the law of the land in order for unity to prevail! To do otherwise will bring destruction upon us in a very quick and dire ending!
Let us put the other person's needs first and ours will also then be met.
Jeff pendleton
Monday, October 31, 2016
As I talked about in the last blog I have been enjoying the counseling sessions each week with Jessica Moore. This lady knows how to do what she went to college for. When I walk into her office she immediately gives off this calming demeanor that would relax even the Incredible Hulk! She asks lots of questions and puts me to thinking about several different life~scenarios. I will just go ahead and admit that I am being helped! In the beginning, when my wife pretty much gave me no alternative, I resisted the counseling. Didn't think I needed it just for anger management but it has turned out well and I am just trying to convey that gratitude.
She is leading me to different levels of self~control and taking great care in my tone ~of~voice and thinking before speaking. My mouth, like most men, normally runs way ahead of my brain even though they supposedly work together. Being a type of "quick~draw McGraw" I am quick to unload my position on just about any subject, but most often my passionate replies are geared toward subjects that are important to my way of life. The things we stand for and the causes that effect us are those that drive our conviction and passion!
As I go through this counseling, both with Jessica and myself, I am pulling back some curtains which covered areas of my soul that were darkened, the majority of which were self~inflicted! I am free spiritually by the work of Christ but emotionally and physcologicly I have lived with doubts and fears which have been the detour~signs that have caused me to veer away from my appointed destination. I firmly believe that each of us have certain paths to walk on and purposes and plans which have been designed for us by God himself and it's up to us to look for the direction~signs or we become lost.
Finding out about one's self can be somewhat scary and, at the same time, it can be a fun and enlightening journey. I happen to be one who needs lots of validation! From my family to those I have worked for and with. Needless to say, the majority of the validation has come from family~members and good friends throughout my entire life. I love to reciprocate right back to them with as much encouragement as I can possibly give. A motto to follow for all of us is..."pay it forward"! After all, that's only fair, right?
Writing plays a major role in therapy for me and also being able to show someone, whether friend or stranger, that we care and are here to just basically listen to them and what's going on in their world. We all want to know that somebody really cares about us and when that validation comes, it can change a life forever! For adults, teens or children, encouraging words can go a long way in helping that person find the path they were meant to walk along.
Jeff pendleton
Friday, October 21, 2016
Good Counseling
This is one subject that I honestly never thought I would write on from my own personal experience. However, the sound advice and wise council from my therapist, Jessica, has been invaluable! She is simply terrific at what she does! She is very approachable and kind in her methods. Honesty and an ability to encourage me to become the `true` version of myself are two traits that I am met with at each session. She's an attractive and sweet~tempered woman as well. Which is a good thing if one is a physiologist!
For over thirty years I have battle with anger issues! They have been more akin to rage, at times! Simple anger doesn't seem to apply in my case. I have never been certain of why this is the case. You could easily envision Dr. Bruce Banner becoming the Hulk when witnessing some of my more expressive flashes of the anger. We are currently dealing with that and self~image issues each week. It appears that we have made some major headway in both areas! I am happy when it's time for another session with her, mostly because I want this to be redacted, removed from my personality. Anger is not the real persona I have!
With that being said I have "homework" to do from here on out and journaling will play a big part in my treatment and diagnosis. It's been a long road getting from the guy filled with anger and a poor self~image to a kinder, gentler sort of man who wants to encourage those around me. That's what God wants each of us to do and I plan on taking it slow and moment by moment. It's actually fun being able to talk to a person of wisdom and have parts of my physique revealed. Some of it is also surprising in a very interesting way.
So with that comes New challenges and I like being challenged in just about anything! The fruit of this new tree will be good and those whom I love and care for will be pleasantly surprised by it and happy for me, I am quite sure! I must give the LORD God all the credit and gratitude.
Jeff pendleton
Monday, October 17, 2016
Remembering The Fanzine Trekbeat
I came across an issue (printed) of an older fan magazine in the Star Trek genre called, "Trekbeat", for which I was a contributing columnist. The issue is dated,
Feburary of 1992 and is full of insightful and fun articles, news and photos, which
was the norm for fanzines of the era. I absolutely loved my time spent writing for Trekbeat and for the genuine people who ran the club!
The article I wrote about was the last major film with the original cast from the
first Trek tv series. I had titled it..."Is this really the end?" and concentrated on the
film which was titled, "The Undiscovered Country". Captain Kirk and Dr.McCoy run
into some major problems with the Klingons and are accused of murder. Those of
you who haven't seen the film, rent it today and watch one of the better story~lines
in any Trek movie, in my humble opinion! For us who saw the film at it's release,
it was an enjoyable "who dunnit" type of mystery in space.Of course, in the movie
that followed it, 1994`s Generations, saw William Shatner play a major role along
side Patrick Stewart to stop the twisted efforts of Dr.Soron from 're~creating
the Nexus, a dimensional paradise where one could live in bliss over and over
again. Sadly the end comes for Kirk after defeating Soron and Picard has the woeful
duty of burying a legend!
What I miss about this fanzine was the comrodere and the wonderful people who
worked tirelessly day and night to bring the fans a unique and informative club~
magazine in which they could participate themselves. There were contests, cartoons,
subspace~messages, fans opinion page and lots of great artwork! It was a joy to
take part in. By the way, I forgot to give you the name of the fanzine, sorry, mental
lapse there. It was called, "Engage" and was headed up by a really cool lady by the
name of, Kimberly Pederson, who I can honestly say was a big help to me during
our short time together. Unfortunately, the magazine and fan~club lasted only a
few months through 1992 due to Kim and her husband both being in the military
and moved around quite a bit!
A good question to ask today is...would there ever be a desire among Trek fans to
see a printed version, apart from the official Stat Trek Magazine, that would involve
the fans in a big way? They could contribute in much the same way as we did back
in the day and it very likely would bring fans of the iconic series even closer to one
another. Personally, I would really enjoy having a weekly or monthly column to
contribute on such a project! I am certain that there would be ample participation
from fans across the globe and it could bring about newer ideas and even more
technology to the current facet of this empire!
With the latest Trek series set for the spring of 2017, one could speculate that for
New and old trekkers/trekkies alike the future is looking even more exciting and
with that excitement could come more and more creative story~lines for both
tv and major film projects together. From this writer's point of view, I would say
there are infinite possibilities, wouldn't you? Seems like I heard that from some
place before.
Live long and prosper folks
Jeff pendleton
Feburary of 1992 and is full of insightful and fun articles, news and photos, which
was the norm for fanzines of the era. I absolutely loved my time spent writing for Trekbeat and for the genuine people who ran the club!
The article I wrote about was the last major film with the original cast from the
first Trek tv series. I had titled it..."Is this really the end?" and concentrated on the
film which was titled, "The Undiscovered Country". Captain Kirk and Dr.McCoy run
into some major problems with the Klingons and are accused of murder. Those of
you who haven't seen the film, rent it today and watch one of the better story~lines
in any Trek movie, in my humble opinion! For us who saw the film at it's release,
it was an enjoyable "who dunnit" type of mystery in space.Of course, in the movie
that followed it, 1994`s Generations, saw William Shatner play a major role along
side Patrick Stewart to stop the twisted efforts of Dr.Soron from 're~creating
the Nexus, a dimensional paradise where one could live in bliss over and over
again. Sadly the end comes for Kirk after defeating Soron and Picard has the woeful
duty of burying a legend!
What I miss about this fanzine was the comrodere and the wonderful people who
worked tirelessly day and night to bring the fans a unique and informative club~
magazine in which they could participate themselves. There were contests, cartoons,
subspace~messages, fans opinion page and lots of great artwork! It was a joy to
take part in. By the way, I forgot to give you the name of the fanzine, sorry, mental
lapse there. It was called, "Engage" and was headed up by a really cool lady by the
name of, Kimberly Pederson, who I can honestly say was a big help to me during
our short time together. Unfortunately, the magazine and fan~club lasted only a
few months through 1992 due to Kim and her husband both being in the military
and moved around quite a bit!
A good question to ask today is...would there ever be a desire among Trek fans to
see a printed version, apart from the official Stat Trek Magazine, that would involve
the fans in a big way? They could contribute in much the same way as we did back
in the day and it very likely would bring fans of the iconic series even closer to one
another. Personally, I would really enjoy having a weekly or monthly column to
contribute on such a project! I am certain that there would be ample participation
from fans across the globe and it could bring about newer ideas and even more
technology to the current facet of this empire!
With the latest Trek series set for the spring of 2017, one could speculate that for
New and old trekkers/trekkies alike the future is looking even more exciting and
with that excitement could come more and more creative story~lines for both
tv and major film projects together. From this writer's point of view, I would say
there are infinite possibilities, wouldn't you? Seems like I heard that from some
place before.
Live long and prosper folks
Jeff pendleton
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
True Strength pt.2
The thought of strength can be many things to many people. For some it can come from having a great intellectual mind. These folks tend to look at every angle of a situation, tangle it around a bit and come to a sensible conclusion. They are `thinkers`! Others derive their strength from an inner attitude of not giving up on anything, ever! They make a strong statement for this when they become challenged in such a way that they must prove to the world that they do not quit on anything which includes relationships. A sense of pride accompanies their determined attitude!
Some people believe they are strongest when in a tough situation or atmosphere where they are unfamiliar their resolve to stay calm and poised is the moment where they are strongest! Being calm during an intense argument is an example of inner~strength which flows from the human spirit. It's all about an attitude and a decision! Women seem to do better at this than most men! Sorry guys, it's the truth!
Ask any woman who has given birth when their greatest moment of strength is and I am quite sure many of them would say during the delivery of their children.
Each of us have different kinds of strengths in several areas of our lives! We may not have even realized some of the areas just yet but a time will come when we will be tested in a particular area of challenge and the fruit we bare will be evident. It's part of the human~makeup! We are much stronger internally than any of us really know! The way God created the spirit in humanity is not so much a mystery as it is, to use a
metaphor, a readied and waiting soldier poised for the battle when called upon! A wise man is a truly strong man!
Whether it's physical, mental, emotional or spiritual, all of us can stand firm on the gift of strength we have been given. Each day may call for a certain type of strength from us in unexpected ways but no matter the kind of strength we possess we can become far stronger when we go through life's toughest times and challenges together!
Jeff pendleton
Saturday, October 8, 2016
True Strength
I have often thought of myself as a pretty strong guy, physically speaking, and have not shied away from opportunities to showcase that strength to family and friends. Rather proudly at times, I must shamefully admit. I am of the belief that God grants to us certain strength`s in areas where we lack that strength in other areas. An example would be a blind man, woman or child who, despite their loss in sight, have been giving the capacity to hear better than most or experience greater perception mentally than another person. Really, it's quite remarkable when you think about it!
With that being said, I have to say that physical strength does not make the man! You may be an outstanding body~builder with the look of Hulk Hogan or Lou Ferrigno but be without a friendly attitude and many people would shy away from you! Maybe your strength is in your knowledge of multiple subjects and languages but you don't possess a giving heart, then you are probably lacking in friends. Whatever area we are gifted in with strength we can not truly call ourselves a `real` man apart from the determination to persevere through hardship and difficulties!
Recently I have learned this valuable lesson through one of the most difficult lessons of my entire life! A seperation from my wife has happened over this past summer mainly because of situations that I put our family through due to a lack of control and giving the impression, through a physical illness, that I have `given myself over` to that illness. That's a tough admission but it is simply the truth! Perhaps my wife had finally hit her breaking point recently and saw no other solution but to distance herself and our children from me. I was initially very upset that she made that choice and fought against it. That only drew her further away from me. Anger issues and anxiety attacks led to me depending on my wife to a greater degree! She had had enough after 16 years of going through that. I can't blame her.
With the seperation I have sought out counseling, on my wife's insistence, and I admit that the sessions have helped me a great deal. I still struggle each day with severe vertigo, which is the illness I mentioned, and periods of anxiety and deep depression. These conditions have been the result of a car accident many years ago where my head went through the car windshield and I did not go to the hospital afterwords to be checked out. Really stupid and stubborn! Since that incident at the age of 19 I have gradually worsened over the years. Being dizzy everyday is not a fun day at the park, believe me!
With that being said, I now believe that I am not able to call myself a true man in the sight of my family! Another very tough admission here! I have to be honest and just express what happens to be the way I see myself at this point. It's a discouraging and hard thing to deal with, especially for one who is p passionate about many things and yet depends so much on the weaker~vessel, my wife. She is not equipped to carry the load of her family on her own shoulders and I realize that, in several areas, that's exactly what has taken place over the years. She already has 4 children and doesn't need or want a fifth!, She has looked for real strength from me. The strength to go through tough times and put the family squarely on my shoulders where they are meant to be! God ordained the family in this fashion.
So what do I do to keep my family, transform my thinking and endure the hardships that we all go through? Endurance is the answer! When a man endures tough times and keeps his family's heads above water, he becomes their hero! That's what my wife has looked for in me but rarely seen. I realize that there have been moments where I was able to display that enduring strength but, sadly, not very often. It is my sincere belief, after learning much from my older sister, that all women want a man who shows the strength necessary to provide, protect and encourage them and their children. That's the main focus for women who really care about a guy's character rather than how he makes her feel in the bedroom, or any other room, for that matter!
The task ahead is formidable but I happen to like challenges and, from past experience, I seem to excellence in most challenges, with God's helping hand of course, and this particular challenge is no different. It's just greater in scope and magnitude! The time to "step up" and become the leader and `real` man that I was created to be is right now. Today!
By the grace of Almighty God it is a done deal!
Jeff Pendleton
Monday, September 19, 2016
The Enigma Of Ketucky Football
What is the mystery of the University of Kentucky football team? For decades now, as far back as I can recall, the question of what is it about UK`s football program that has held it down and kept major success from its grasp like most of the teams in the SEC? The last successful team I can personally remember was coached by Rich Brooks in the early 2000`s when they had back~to~ back bowl wins and a decent pair of 8 win seasons!
Since that time there has been very little for the fan~base to get excited over. It's very puzzling to me why this has been the case for the UK program for so long. There appears to be no answer to that question and no one seems to be able to pinpoint the problems! Not since the early 1980`s has this program seen several winning seasons in a row. Jerry Claiborne was the coach at that time with a history of turning weak programs around and bringing some semblance of success to each program he took over.
The excitement was evident then but it has been sorely lacking since! What is the formula that will enable this football program with some of the best amenities around the league be lifted from the gutter of the SEC to the top, just as the basketball program has remained for decades? Is it a top secret that only the CIA knows about and other's will have to be content in their ignorance? Such a frustrating problem for both the University and the fans! The answer can not be out of our reach. Most likely it is a puzzle which has a simple answer but other's "muddy the water" with silly decisions in the hiring process! I have respect for Mr.Barnhart as the A.D. here and he has certainly provided the basketball program it's needed `shot in the arm` with coach Calipari for the last 8 season's but the same intensity and knowledge has been sorely lacking for the football team!
Logically there seems to be no significant reason that major success has eluded this football program for many years. Some rather jokingly blame it on a supposed curse against the football team from then~basketball guru and coaching legend, Adolf Rupp, because of Bear Bryant making strong headway for the UK football Wildcats in the late 1950`s! That is mere speculation of course but anyone with serious desires for the football team to enjoy equal success as the basketball side will consider even this comical answer.
There is some very good news for many former UK players who have been drafted into the NFL, however. The numbers of former football stars from UK have gained long~career success for them and their teams in many league cities! Part of the enigma which has plagued this team for so long is the fact that, as it seems, many of their student~athletes have enjoyed fine success in the pro league's which is by far we'll above what they each earned while playing here. It is very peculiar, indeed!
Perhaps one day, soon, a very knowledgeable football coach who sleeps, eats and drinks the game of football, will be brought in and he will add several copies of himself as coaches on both sides of the ball to bring unquestioned and undeniable success and winning seasons to this sadly depleted football program at UK. That would satisfy even the most consistent skeptic and relate the fan~base, which only this year, has declined! It's time for the blue and white of UK football to rise to the top and become part of the elite programs of the SEC! It's high time to be talked about in the same breath as Alambama, Florida, Georgia and Ole Miss! No more guessing~games and no more inept coaches!
Right now the fans deserve this success and the players do as well! UK stands for excellence in sports so let's bring the football program right alongside the basketball, baseball and cheerleading teams and revoke the `loser image` of football here and by strong commitment and over~the~top enthusiasm lift it to the highest peaks of friction success for decades to come!
Jeff Pendleton
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Thoughts About Relationships
I sometimes believe it would be easier to navigate through rough seas during a threatening storm than to keep a close relationship in tact. It can be really tough to figure out what makes the other person feel needed and appreciated and at the same time express your own feelings to them in a manner that is not so one~sided. We are all selfish at times and we know exactly how to manipulate the other person in the relationship to get what we want for ourselves! Whether that's trying to get them to think as we do on s particular subject or to get a prized goody from the store. It really doesn't matter much at all if it is a thing or a way of responding, as long as it's my way! That's a cold, hard statement but it is so true!
Any relationship, whether in marriage, friendship or business, takes lots of sincere effort from both sides in order to be consider a good relationship! That's exactly how it should be and can be if those involved will consider first what their partner needs from them. It's not always clear but that's alright, as long as both are allowed to respectively discuss their particular needs in a manner that's understood! Communication is everything, as they say! It's so true!
A selfish motive will only gain us an unfulfilled moment of satisfaction no matter what it is we are after! Always considering only what we want out of any relationship will end in bitter disappointment and emptiness. A selfish person is usually a lonely one! It's much more fun to give our best to the relationship than to horde up everything about for ourselves. We can make it a fun time together or a miserable one. The choice is always ours to make! Speaking from experience from both sides of the tracks, I have witnessed a good relationship go bad because of selfishness and bad communications. I have also seen a rather rough beginning to a relationship turn into a successful one simply by one or both of those involved putting their own selves aside and making the other the most important part of their relationship.
It's always a win, win situation when a gracious spirit overcomes a selfish one no matter what the conditions are! It's a rare treat to see this happen in families, business or friendship. A very cool thing, indeed! I have to believe that God is honored when our motives are guided by an unselfish attitude and an insight into the needs of those around us. We become much more like Christ when this occurs! We also benefit greatly at the same time. Isn't that just too cool of the LORD?!
I have to say that I realize that I have much work to do in each of my own relationships, both, in family and friendship, in order for both sides to come out on top and be successful. It's my honest prayer that I will daily yield my self to God's holy Spirit to help me make that happen, starting with my marriage first. In every relationship there must be a selected time of healing and refreshing, I believe! With that in mind, it is my sincere hope that you, my readers, will take the effort to put the other person in (all) your relationships first and let them feel like they are the most important part of your life, and they really are!
Let's all agree together that no matter the conditions, we will deny ourselves more and out the other person first and foremost in our relationships. After all, God gave them to us as a gift. Let's treat them that way.
Jeff Pendleton
Saturday, September 3, 2016
I haven't been active on here for a little while because of some personal family~business the past few weeks. Apart from any, lengthy details, I will
say that it has been very hard to concentrate on writing during this time! I
wouldn't wish it upon anybody, including enemies, whoever they might be!
Concentration on most areas of my life have been quite limited and, at best,
problematic. It has left deep wounds and some very discouraging thoughts
without a doubt!
We would be thankful for your prayers and comforting thoughts at this
critical time for our family. I love writing and expect it to be the income~
stream to provide for my family going forward! I haven't had work at a job
since the end of April of this year and its been very tough on my wife and kids!
Despite this fact. The LORD has been faithful and gracious in supplying for us
all our needs. He is awesome!
Because of my disability (the severe dizziness) I have applied for social
security disability and have been denied twice but our next st e p is to retain
a representative to help us out, which I understand most people have to end
up getting in order to be successful in the attempt to get it. My wife did and she
has been on disability~benefits for over 8 years for a bad hip. She is a real
trooper, though, and keeps going strong in spite of the daily pain she goes
It is my hope to get another article done for the blog within the next several
days but there are no time~pressures so it will work out, I'm sure! I just want
To be grateful to God and put him first.
Thank you to each and every one of you who read this and take the time
To pray for us. Blessings to you guys!
Jeff Pendleton
Saturday, August 13, 2016
Thursday, August 11, 2016
I was going through some old papers from my desk a few
days ago and came across some of my early writings. They
we're filled with spelling and punctuation errors, of course,
but they were also imaginative. In my younger days I often
dreamed of becoming a sports writer. I loved sports, as most
13 year old's do, and basketball was the main focus of my
writing. I fantasized about covering the ABA, which was my
favorite brand of pro basketball at that time, and the home~
town Kentucky Colonels. They were such a fun team for me
to watch, or rather, to listen to on whas radio out of Louisville.
In my fantasies I imagined my friends and I having a local
AAUA team. Sort of a hodgepodge of teens with superstar~
talent in our neighborhood. We had a great team, named
after my heroes of course, the Colonels. We were comprised
of several of my friends, my brother and me and coached by
my dad. The Lexington Colonels were born and ready to
whip every team in Lexington! Or so we thought.
During the regular season we would play other team's from
around Lexington and a few from neighboring cities, beating
most of them and making it to the league playoffs. We did
have trouble with a select number of teams but still managed
To have an impressive record! I had to make it somewhat
realistic, after all. The Colonels provided great excitement for
all of our fans and even gained new ones when we played in
front of hostile crowds, so to speak! This team would soon
become legends throughout Kentucky, in my own mind, of
Much of our style of play was copied after the ABA and it's
wild, playground antics. It was just plain fun for all of us!
Being known for their basketball dominance, the state of
Kentucky only benefited from this group of teenage super~
stars who drew great crowds on concrete and blacktop
courts across Lexington! My brother was a pure shooter
and often hit some long shots from deep on the perimeter.
My friend, Mike, was quick and sneaky in the backcourt
and wasn't afraid to go inside for a basket. Me? I was the
`white version` of Dr. J, Julius Erving, my childhood hero!
As many of you know, Julius was an amazing and unique
player in the ABA and NBA! I loved the way he soared and
dunked the ball. That's what I dreamed of doing and in my
fantasies, I could.
As the Lexington Colonels, we would dominate the AAUA
and move on to become repeat champion's for several years!
My journey as a would-be sports writer took me to some
great destinations for the sake of basketball and it was a
healthy dream for me through my teen years and beyond!
I miss that time of beginning and how much in love I was
with this thing called writing, almost as much as I loved
the game of basketball and still do.
Thank the good Lord for imagination!
Jeff Pendleton
Monday, August 8, 2016
The Minarcik Ministry: satan At Work
The Minarcik Ministry: satan At Work: It Is Written, James 4:7, therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. It is no surprise that many people feel ...
Bigfoot: Most Mysterious
A good friend of mine operates a YouTube channel which deals with all sorts
of mysterious subjects including one of the more popular mysteries, Bigfoot.
Some label this elusive creature as Sasquatch but no matter what label we
put on him, he continues to evade our best investigators using top~notch
scientific equipment. He is a real `stinker` in the game of "hide and seek"!
My friend has interviewed many normal, everyday people on his show who
have encountered Bigfoot/Sasquatch in their personal lives while going about
normal, daily routines. Almost all came away from the experience terrified
and profoundly changed in their current world~view! Non~believers have
become believers, in the existence of Bigfoot, while those who had previous
views which bordered on belief have been validated because of their scary
In my opinion, believing or denying that this creature exists, is not the main
factor in studying and researching the topic. It's our personal view of the
mysterious aura which seems to surround the subject of so~called cryptids.
Each case brings with it an enigmatic set of variables that consist of sight,
sound and smells which often accompany the reported encounters. There
have been certain pieces of hair~samples, unearthly sounds which terrify
witnesses and a foul~smelling stench that permeates the surroundings!
It can be argued that these variables are fragments from other creatures
in the woods but one can not simply dismiss them out~of~hand based
solely on personal belief or the lack of it! Science must be brought into the
discussion and serious research from reputable cryptozoologist`s and other
top scientists is needed.
During the interviews on his show, which is called, "Brenton Sawin Mysteries
To Search", I have heard many of the witnesses speak of their encounters with
terrifying emotion and questioning the experience...why did this happen to
them? I have gotten the sense from listening to these responses that these
poor folks have had life~changing experiences that they would just assume
be relegated to a fairy~tale or a foolish nightmare. Some of them have been
severely traumatized and continue to suffer with physiological and emotional
conditions. Whatever these creatures are, they elicit long~lasting effects on
the people who come near them!
One particular effect which has been mentioned on Brenton`s channel and
on others is something called, infrasound. It appears to be a type of low,
heavy growl which sort of vibrates and renders the victim incapacitated for
at least a few minutes! From reports gathered, the effect causes the person it
is aimed at to be hypnotized, in a way, and many have inexplicably begun
taking their clothes off and folding them in a neat pile. Very strange indeed!
There is yet another creature which is gaining rapid attention for those who
go hunting for Sasquatch. This creature is called, Dogman, for lack of a better
term because it seems to resemble a dog`s face while walking upon two legs, covered all over its body with long, dark hair.Dogman seems to be in a very
different category by his self. Unlike Bigfoot, Dogman gives off a more insidious
feeling towards witnesses who have the misfortune of coming near one! He
comes across as an evil, intimidating cryptic, very large and more like a
werewolf, as it were.
Whatever these things are, they don't seem to want any company in their
neighborhoods. With only a few exceptions, Sasquatch and Dogman have
remained hidden from society and, apart from more recent encounters
which have seemingly caught video and audio evidence, they continue to be
very elusive and perfectly in control of who they allow to come into their
territory! These guys are truly mysterious, dark creatures!
I personally want to be able to go on an expedition, with Brenton and others,
in search of Sasquatch and Dogman, at least I think I do, and be able to
document our adventures on audio and video in order to bring our evidence
To the people. It could be very dangerous and it could be very exciting but one
thing is certain, it will not be boring! We are really looking forward to it.
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