Thursday, December 1, 2016

The Most Recent UFO Sightings Increasing

Their back! I suppose we shouldn't be surprised by the most recent accounts of unidentified craft over many parts of the world. It would be absolutely ignorant for any who take this phenomena seriously or for those who do not, as well! The sightings have been numerous and reported over several country's. It would appear that since the presidential election ere in America over three weeks ago that the ufos have made open appearances in the skies of Turkey and Russia in particular. Some mainstream media outlets have reported on these sightings but said very little!

There have been witness accounts in Texas, New Jersey and Ohio in the past weeks also. It's curious that the spike in activity since the Presidential election has been n such a high scale. It would seem to suggest that whatever these craft are they are getting closer to us and broadening their territory! One can only assume that we will see even more occurrences over the next week's and months going into the new year of 2017.

Speculation about a very possible announcement or disclosure from current president Obama could be forthcoming. Russian president Putin has been reported to doing exactly that if Obama refuses! It will  quite interesting to watch the events unfold in
the coming days ahead. Many of the reported sightings have been captured on
video and there appears to be a correlation between several accounts. On at least five of the reports it appears that each of the lights form s triangular shape and move into erratic positions as they traverse our air~space and further.

As I have written on this subject for the last two decades, the focus now appears to be on simultaneous reports and sightings throughout the globe. It is obvious that with closer contact comes an appointed agenda. What would they want from us or what will they reveal to us as far as their intentions? I have a sneaking suspicion that it's
much more than just observation or greetings! There is no doubt an agenda here and we have to expect that, with the increasing activity, there will be a shocking revelation unfolded before the people of the earth!

Don't be surprised by anything that you may see or hear on this enigmatic subject on the horizon. It could be life~changing for many of us or it could be seen as the deception suspected by those who are believers in God's word that during the last days various deceptions will come about and only through the light of his holy word through Jesus Christ can any of us survive!

Keep close to his word and listen for the shepherds call, folks!

Jeff pendleton

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