Saturday, December 10, 2016

Guys, Trucks And The Love Affair

What is about a good~lookin, big, New truck, whether it's a Ford, Chevy or Toyota, that makes a man's mouth water, his eyes fixed on what he sees, as if that hunk of metal and hard plastic were a beautiful woman? I have asked myself that question more than once and the conclusion is a little embarrassing, to be honest! For an adult male, let's say guys my age, in their fifties, to see a fine looking truck and to lose all their right~
thinking senses, immediately falling in love, as they did with their first `serious`girl
friend, it's almost comical. I am one of these men! I'm guilty of the scene which I just
It seems odd but I am convinced that there is solid evidence of this on the roads we
travel each and every day. Women don't understand, for the most part, how this
happens. Trucks are just means of transportation, right? Wrong! A man's truck is his
baby. It's a part of his soul and it actually effects the way he thinks! You can see the
evidence of this on any sunny, spring, Saturday afternoon, after he has just purchased
his "New" toy! Of course, it's a very expensive toy but the mindset of guys like us is
one of (dare I say it) a serious love~affair! There is certainly great care and affection
met when a man is able to shop for his new truck and the grand moment of buying
the one he `feels` is the one that belongs to him. Perhaps there is counselling offered
by someone somewhere on this `condition` and there may be a very real need of the
I started noticing this activity a few months ago as I observed myself and also talked
to other men with the same "affliction" begin to stare and look over every inch of the
vehicle, as it truly is, with the excitement of a little on Christmas morning or on his
birthday. A phenomenon that may need further study by those in the field, whatever
that field might be! My wife has giggled at Mr when she sees me doing this at the
moment it occurs. I have to be very careful at this point too because I tread on thin ice
with this `addictive` habit! Don't rock mom's boat, buddy! WARNING, WSRNING, RED ALERT. There is even an added concern that some therapy is needed when the
same guy (me) goes `bugged~eyed` with the diecast version's of the same type of
trucks, whether older or newer! A serious collector could get himself into a bad
situation in this case!
Let me say that there is nothing wrong with a man, or woman, to have certain `feelings` over physical objects! Just watch throngs of people of both sexes go
bonkers on the yearly `black Friday` massacre sales after Thanksgiving. Wow! By
the way, I have a big problem with the label of "black" Friday! Why couldn't it be
called, "give away Friday" or even "crazy sales Friday" instead of putting a dark
hue and of subliminal tent to the darkest part of people's soul's? In my opinion,
That's done on purpose. You can witness the horrible attitude of folks in any
mall or store on that particular day! Let's get a new tag~line started and 're~name`
this time of the year. It really does matter how we think about things and the subject
of men who love trucks is an obvious example!
Of course, for the most part, I am being `light hearted` about this but I hope I
am also making an observation which has truth to it and can be a very good dinner~
conversation piece! Watch the laughter when a group or couple bring this up the
next time the topic comes up. Funny, man!
So, with all that said, let's be ourselves, relax and carry on this love~affair with
any and all trucks, whatever your preference, and just have fun with it. Not too
much fun, though!

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