Thursday, April 27, 2017

You Are Good I Piano Music I Prayer Music I Meditation Music I Healing M...

what wonderful, soul-touching prayer music to begin each day or end each night! This music 'feels' like it is God-sent, to me! I highly encourage every believer in Christ to get alone with this music and with the Father in soul-wrenching, Gethsemene-prayer.  Be blessed!

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Strange Sounds are Happening Worldwide! (2017 FOOTAGE!)

soumds from beneath the ground,or the air?  what are these unreal booming sounds people are hearing everywhere? The last days calling, perhaps?  Maybe!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

WARNING: A False Rapture is a False Teaching!

What better way for the evil one to explain the true rapture than to say he sent his own demonic "alien" messengers to get rid of those who are contaminating the earth with their beliefs! Please listen to this video from a friend of mine, Melissa.