Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Target New 2017 Matchbox "Off The Chains" Diecast Cars Pickups and Finds

This is what I love to do, even though, this wasn't me doing the collecting
on this particular occasion....I have the most fun collecting when I have extra money
and head out to the local stores here in Kentucky such as, Kroger, Dollar Tree, Wal Mart
Target. I gotta' add Meijer in there as well.

So if your like me, you love the chase and hunting down those special cars, trucks and
odd balls. Wooooooo!...getting excited!

Health Concerns For A Friend

I am starting out this morning not feeling well and having very little sleep the last two nights in a row but I am sure I will be able to function on reserve battery power. LOL! My biggest concern is for a friend of mine, whom I haven't heard from in over six weeks. His name is Brenton Sawin and he has a YouTube channel called, Mysteries To Search, which deals with rather esoteric and supernatural mysteries from call-in interviewees. Brenton has operated this channel for over seven years now and he does a masterful job with it. However, there is a legitimate concern over his health right now. I have tried to reach him by phone over the last six weeks, as I said, and he has not responded, yet he has continued to put out the product for his channel!

I don't know what's happened but if I can't get in touch with him soon I am going to have to ask my wife to run me over there to his apartment and see what's going on. I don't drive anymore because of my own health issues and it is tough to get to some places. My disability process is moving along, though, and I'm thankful for that.

Would you guys please pray for Brenton and ask the LORD to give him better health and that I can get in touch with him very soon. Also, if you would keep both of us on your prayer-lists that would be great. I appreciate each and every one of you and ask God to bless you abundantly.

Lets all pull together and show the world some peace and friendship which matter's to everyone!


jeff pendleton

Friday, March 24, 2017

My Perspective On The Supernatural

I was going over some old newspaper clippings and other articles on UFOs earlier in the week and realized I had overlooked yet another bit of information which ties in with many info encounters or sightings. That information is the reported occurrences of the Bigfoot or Sasquatch creature in many of the same placed. The reason I mention this is because the two supernatural activities or incidents seem to coincide with one another.

Why is that important, you might ask? It's important, in my view, because where one has been seen, many times so has the other. Are they related spiritually, I wonder? When I use the word, spiritually, I do not refer to a `godly` type of spirituality but a nefarious one. These creatures appear and disappear at will and both can be camaflouged right before our eyes without our knowledge! How that is possible doesn't allow for our human nature to know just yet!

In the same vein, both phenomena seem to happen in areas that are called, "flaps". These are areas of numerous or frequent occurrences which have been reported over a fairly long length of time, perhaps several years, in fact. Why is this so? What reason do they have to be in a particular area at the same time? That information is being thoroughly studied and examined right now by those who are attempting to reveal the true nature of these creatures and their intentions! 

I strongly believe that, as we go further into these biblical last days, more and more encounters will occur and at even closer proximity! Look for more cattle mutilations as well. That's yet another area of commonality for these UFOs and Bigfoot encounters! I am excited about the truth being revealed on both of these ominous, supernatural phenomena and the more we are contacted by those who have an encounter, up close and personal, the greater amount of information comes to light.

Watch the skies each chance you get and if you live in a deeply wooded area which has deer, elk or wild cats, you may just have the Sasquatch among the mix as well! They are very crafty, though, and appear to be quite intelligent so be very careful how you step!

These are just my own thoughts on the subject and I am open to my readers opinions. Thanks again for reading and commenting.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Old Town Mt.Sterling

I wanted to spend some time talking about a little town in east-central Kentucky called, Mount Sterling, where my parents both lived and were raised - and we visited quite a bit as I was growing up.

Like any small American town, it has its perks and its pitfalls! There isn't much employment there and the young people seem to do what young people do these days - get into trouble! That part is very sad, but looking at the perks of the town makes up some ground for me, personally.

Some history on the town gives it its own mystique and personality. For starters, it was named for an ancient burial mound called Little Mountain is also for the town named Stirling in Scotland. That lends to the mystique to this east-central Kentucky mining town.

Hugh Forbes was its first developer and it is named after him as well.

Back in 1792 the Kentucky Assembly passed an act to establish the town as Mount Sterling, leaving the misspelled word in the name (Stirling).

I had lots of fun on each visit to my grandparent’s houses for Christmas and Easter holidays. It was in my grandmother's house that I first got the writing itch as a fourteen-year-old basketball lover!

My mother's grave is there in MacPelah Cemetery, along with several cousins and aunts and uncles! It’s a good little town for its scenery and the pleasantness of the older folks who have grown up there. I have thought some about moving there but I changed my mind very fast.

No offense intended there at all!

Some more facts about the town are these:  the mound it was named after is located at the center of Queen and Locust streets. The very first cabin in the area was built in 1779. The first permanent settlement was built in 1790. 1796 saw the town become established as the county seat for Montgomery County, which was named just before.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Chills, Thrills and Uncertainties

h the sale of our house and land recently, my family and I are trying to figure out our next move and where we should try to attempt looking for a new place to live. My wife and I already know that we want very much to move further into Nicholasville, around the downtown area but we want the leading of God's holy spirit before we move a foot. We have some extra time due to the kindness fo the buyer, Mr.Turner, and that helps quite a lot!

I pretty much grew up in Nicholasville from my early teens into my early twenties until I got married and moved into a Lexington apartment so the area is very familiar to me. Tammy and I have a house in mind and are hoping that the seller, who is in California, will accept a rent-to-own deal and we can save some money that way. We are not panicking but we are just waiting on our Lord for his leading in all of it. We recognize the LORD'S hand in the entire moving situation!

The kids need their own space and plenty of it, especially Zach, who, at being 6'3" at 15 years old he just looks like a grasshopper when he walks or runs but he gets excited about many things. I call him a 'Macgyver' type because of his prowess with fixing and building things. He is something else!

I will keep you updated.

Jeff Pendleton

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

They Just Keep Coming!

The ufos! They are doing exactly what L.A.Marzulli said they were doing...burgeoning and not going away. Why is that? Why have postings increased at dozens of reports each day and now an increase in the USO phenomena! It's mind~boggling that that these reported encounters and sightings are increasing even as I write this today!
Could this be a large part of the "great deception" spoken of in ancient,  biblical texts? Very possibly.

Just this week there have been more reported sightings over Texas, Illinois and in California than anywhere else! These states seem to be what MUFON calls, `hot spots`, where ufos appear more often and around nuclear plants as well. What are they doing in these areas? Do they need fusion power to keep going? Perhaps, but we can only guess at this time.

The subject kiddos is not only a "touchy" subject in the science~community but it's also a very protected and guarded subject among the military and governments across the world! Many of whom have released their documents to the public's views except for the U.S.
Why is that and will it happen this year? Will new President Trump release to the American people all the secret documents that have been gathered since the late 1940`s for public consumption? If he follows his pattern~to~date one would have to think, yes he will. An executive order could take care of that, no doubt.

Where there is most likely a large number of people who know already, including this author!

Have a good day, mates!

Jeff Pendleton

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Been Awhile

I realize it's been awhile since I last posted on this view of my blog, but I wanted to say I am cm with a new vigour and a new focus on writing!

Please look for more articles on ufos, because the sightings and encounters are truly revving up and there's lots to write about! Also, more on Bigfoot and paranormal encounters through my friend, Brenton Sawin of Mysteries to search, on you tube.

I also plan a you tube Nobel of my own so I'm gonna be busy for sure! Until then my friends...peace, love and God's blessings on each of you!