Tuesday, March 7, 2017

They Just Keep Coming!

The ufos! They are doing exactly what L.A.Marzulli said they were doing...burgeoning and not going away. Why is that? Why have postings increased at dozens of reports each day and now an increase in the USO phenomena! It's mind~boggling that that these reported encounters and sightings are increasing even as I write this today!
Could this be a large part of the "great deception" spoken of in ancient,  biblical texts? Very possibly.

Just this week there have been more reported sightings over Texas, Illinois and in California than anywhere else! These states seem to be what MUFON calls, `hot spots`, where ufos appear more often and around nuclear plants as well. What are they doing in these areas? Do they need fusion power to keep going? Perhaps, but we can only guess at this time.

The subject kiddos is not only a "touchy" subject in the science~community but it's also a very protected and guarded subject among the military and governments across the world! Many of whom have released their documents to the public's views except for the U.S.
Why is that and will it happen this year? Will new President Trump release to the American people all the secret documents that have been gathered since the late 1940`s for public consumption? If he follows his pattern~to~date one would have to think, yes he will. An executive order could take care of that, no doubt.

Where there is most likely a large number of people who know already, including this author!

Have a good day, mates!

Jeff Pendleton

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Demonic entities and cryptids are on the rise also! I work with a guy who had a visit from both in the same week! The guy never even heard of dogmen, but that was pretty much what he described to me that his roommate saw outside their home around the same time that he was visited by a shadow demon! Incidentally, he was angry at God at the time of both of these and was saying things to God he ought not to have! Obviously ufos, aliens, ghosts, cryptids, are all part of the same deceptive family of Satan!