of society! It's a sad commentary on our nation that squabbles over
issues that have little or nothing to do with the eternal! This earth and
all who occupy it are only here for a temporary time. Any one of us
could pass from life to death in a few seconds, and many do! We are
temporary, corporeal creatures who miss out on much of what life has
to offer because we are so busy stirring up strife between us!
The mainstream media does what is told to do by the "elites" who
are truly the instigators behind all that is reported and shown as
truth but is, in fact, poisonous lies that cause division! These so~called
elites couldn't care less about you and me but they are wholly after their
own agendas. Their motivation for dividing this nation is wrapped in
greed and evil intentions. They are schemes out to do the devils bidding!
A divided people can not stand and that's what this vermon wants! Much
of what we see and hear on the evening newscast is propaganda and it is
drummed up in order that strife will overcome the foundations of our
country. America is very much at a `turning point` just as we were in the
Cival war of the 1860s! Will there be another cival war which will bring
the death's of thousands, including children this time, and leave our
nation primed for an invasion. From all the evidence presented by hard
working and diligent researchers, all signs point to that being the case!
These divisions can be subdued and extracted from our society in a very
simple way. By following the words of Jesus Christ and..."do unto others
as you would have them do unto you". It's just that dimple. If each of us
would treat those people we come into contact with each day in the
manner that we want them to treat us, there would be very little division
in our land and much more in the way of provisions, friendships and
prosperity! Everyone of us would benefit greatly! But those who conduct
themselves in evil deeds will soon fall by the very same which they inflict
upon other's.
There need not be divisions among us, only taking care of our neighbors
needs first and then our needs shall be met. It's the law of `sowing and
reaping` and it works the same in life as it does on the farm! Sowing good
seeds will not bring bad crops but only good ones. The same is true of
wicked seeds being sown as well!
I say, "out with division and in with serving [not slavery] each other".
It may sound radical and strange and, I guess, it is to a society that has
not put it into practice. Just remember this, Jesus does not lie and his
word can be absolutely trusted! If we choose to pick up this mantle
and display it among our neighbors, whether in small towns or big
metropolis cities, it will yield a greater nation and we could once again
be proud to be Americans!
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