Thursday, December 22, 2016

Writing In Hard Times...Part 2

  Since my first article on this subject I have since returned home to my wife and children and it's a great blessing, though there has certainly been some tense times as well. Despite the difficulties, our family is starting to show signs of
maturing as a whole. Some of the better moments have been watching my wife, Tammy, laugh loudly. She hasn't laughed like that in a very long time! It's a real treat to see and hear! Our relationship is improving and each day we take slow steps build onto the better parts of our marriage and laughter is a very dependable medicine to use!

With my therapy sessions through a very good physiologist I have moved forward in a big way while employing lot's of prayer, of course. The old
saying, "taking baby steps", applies within many things but I have found that
the logic of that old phrase applies appropriately to a marriage! Going to a physiologist may leave a certain impression upon the minds of most people, I am delighted to be able to go. It's been an eye~opening experience! Each of us need to `vent` to a family member or a best friend at least once in a while to release stress. Stress can be a killer!

Writing as a daily practice is a must~do exercise for any writer, I have been blessed to continue that practice since returning home. Sure there are distractions but a writer just makes it work, somehow! When you love something, you just simply do what's necessary to reach your goals. Anyone who sets personal goals always runs into distractions but the distractions can be a catalyst for success! Simply put, whatever we love or have a passion about is worth every minute of the struggle.

Writing while getting through hard times can become a great teacher! It is during these times that many writers have done their greatest work! Whether they are writer's from centuries past or current ones, learning inner~truths can be a great strengthening tool and whether it's a side~hobby or a career, writing opens doors to places that can come only from the imagination of man! God created humans to be creative also! That's an awesome truth to realize!

Relationships are a moment~by~moment theme and the writer has a relationship with his or her readers as well as with himself. Coming up with topics, research, outlines and the time to write is hard work, often exhausting work but one that I am willing to go through in order to realize my dream and bring glory to God with the written word!

Jeff pendleton

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