Saturday, November 5, 2016

Choosing Unity, Not Division

I was never very good with math problems throughout school! Oh, I could do the basics pretty well....adding, subtracting, multiplication and division, but after that point, I was lost. Like a ship without it's compass or even a lighthouse on some shore to guide it, I was in dire straits when the dreaded algebra came along and interrupted my young life....yuk! My sweet wife was the very same, as I am sure many other students of our era were as well! We got along fine with the basics but the toughest was trying to learn something that, on paper, did not look right and made no sense!

Life can  the very same for each of us when we are divided in our relation~
ships with each other. We get our feathers ruffled at the least little problem or challenge that puts us out of our "comfort zone". We don't particularly like change as a whole and most certainly not in an area we are comfortable in!
However, that's exactly what life is about. Changing and growing. Getting pushed or gently nudged out of our "comfort zones". Like a warm blanket we have held onto for decades, we get used to things and situations that keep us at ease, not challenged!

In Spiritual situations, we often come face to face with areas of change and growing in our relationships with other's in church and most often with the leadership in churches. Being approached by someone of a leadership role in a church to ask us to, perhaps, take over a Sunday school class or become a deacon or usher can be a shock to our `normal` thing of just sitting on a
nice, warm pew or seat and letting the choir and the Pastor do all the work.
It's like that old enemy called algebra has returned to haunt us. Oh, man!
In whatever vocation, business or relationship we happen to be in, I am willing to bet that we all would much rather be a part of a United organization than a divided one. Being a member of a local church should be no different. In many ways a church has to be ran with many of the same principles as any business, without becoming seen as a typical business. There is certainly a fine line here that should not be crossed! A church is considered a `house of worship` and not a business organization! Sadly, many churches are accused of being nothing more than `money~hungry religious`crooks and preacher's are placed at the front of this accusation. 

It is because of division that many families and even businesses fall apart! If there is no unity nothing which was designed to stand or stay together can prosper! In the family unit(ed) the parents are appointed as the overseers or caretakers of the family. The children, of course, play a big role as well. As a whole, when everyone does their part to help in family matters, one often sees a happy and tranquil unit. It's the very same in a church or business. Unity keeps things and people together where division tears things and people apart!

Now is the time for all of, as a nation, to come together in unity and put an end to the orchestrated division which those behind the scenes, the hidden elite, have perpetrated for more than a century! America must heed the same slogan that is a `backdrop` for a free people of any nation or community..."United we stand, divided we fall". 

It's absolutely up to each individual who cares about righteousness and obeying the law of the land in order for unity to prevail! To do otherwise will bring destruction upon us in a very quick and dire ending! 

Let us put the other person's needs first and ours will also then be met.

Jeff pendleton

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