Monday, October 31, 2016


  As I talked about in the last blog I have been enjoying the counseling sessions each week with Jessica Moore. This lady knows how to do what she went to college for. When I walk into her office she immediately gives off this calming demeanor that would relax even the Incredible Hulk! She asks lots of questions and puts me to thinking about several different life~scenarios. I will just go ahead and admit that I am being helped!  In the beginning, when my wife pretty much gave me no alternative, I resisted the counseling. Didn't think I needed it just for anger management but it has turned out well and I am just trying to convey that gratitude.

She is leading me to different levels of self~control and taking great care in my tone ~of~voice and thinking before speaking. My mouth, like most men, normally runs way ahead of my brain even though they supposedly work together. Being a type of "quick~draw McGraw" I am quick to unload my position on just about any subject, but most often my passionate replies are geared toward subjects that are important to my way of life. The things we stand for and the causes that effect us are those that drive our conviction and passion!

As I go through this counseling, both with Jessica and myself, I am pulling back some curtains which covered areas of my soul that were darkened, the majority of which were self~inflicted! I am free spiritually by the work of Christ but emotionally and physcologicly I have lived with doubts and fears which have been the detour~signs that have caused me to veer away from my appointed destination. I firmly believe that each of us have certain paths to walk on and purposes and plans which have been designed for us by God himself and it's up to us to look for the direction~signs or we become lost.

Finding out about one's self can be somewhat scary and, at the same time, it can be a fun and enlightening journey. I happen to be one who needs lots of validation! From my family to those I have worked for and with. Needless to say, the majority of the validation has come from family~members and good friends throughout my entire life. I love to reciprocate right back to them with as much encouragement as I can possibly give. A motto to follow for all of us is..."pay it forward"! After all, that's only fair, right?

Writing plays a major role in therapy for me and also being able to show someone, whether friend or stranger, that we care and are here to just basically listen to them and what's going on in their world. We all want to know that somebody really cares about us and when that validation comes, it can change a life forever! For adults, teens or children, encouraging words can go a long way in helping that person find the path they were meant to walk along.

Jeff pendleton

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