I can recall days from my teen years that I began my fascination with the
subject of "time travel". If my memory serves me, it started around the age
of 14. I was always interested in sci~go tv shows that dealt with space and
ships which travelled from one place to another, sometimes engaging in
battles with alien species. Certainly Star Trek played a large roll in the
influence I received! To be clear, I have to say that it was the original
Star Trek series that made the biggest impact on me!
Watching the crew of the Enterprise embark on one exciting adventure
after another, meeting strange but interesting aliens and in a few instances,
using time travel as a means to solve one problem or another. It was very
intoxicating for a 14 year old boys mind to wonder about the possibility of
travelling through the fabric of space and time, though I had no clue how
it worked, to always end up back where they started. Fascinating indeed!
Certainly there were other shows and magazine articles that added sub~
stance to my obsession and I was more than happy to fill my young mind
with as much information as I could. Imagination is a wonderful thing and
mine was off~to~the~races when it felt the tingle of science fiction drama
on a given afternoon!
As I have written several blog posts and a pinned a few poems on the
subject, I don't mean to rehash any of them here, however, I would like
To convey my thoughts and beliefs on the matter. I will not presume to
be dogmatic or unwavering in my position but only want to show that
I happen to believe it is possible, if not probable, that men can and have
travelled the confines of space and time, or, the fourth dimension!
Your guess is as good as mine on the methods of realizing such a grand
adventure. Only the best scientific minds and the writers of these tv~
shows could explain to us how it's accomplished, apart from `smoke
and mirrors`and the magic of special effects. Does reality mirror tv
fantasy, however? Perhaps it's the other way around!
According to the scientific world, the reality of `time travel` hasn't
come to fruition just yet. So they tell us, anyway. It may very well be
that the "black ops" projects which the CIA has engaged in for decades
now has had, within its enormous budget, at least one project involving
sending men through time! There is little doubt that the attempt had
been made, probably during the 1940s when the Philadelphia Experiment
was a matter of top secrecy!
Whether these top secret projects actually happened is anyone's guess,
but for the purpose of discussion, let's say that they have. Our country's
government certainly has kept many things hidden from the public
for many years, as has several other governments of the world! Just the
1947 crash of a ufo near Roswell New Mexico is enough to sizzle the
nerves of any legitimate investigator.
The heart of mankind has a romantic connection with fantasy and
imagination and our minds are stocked full of ideas on the art of
time travel, whether back to the past or ahead to the future! The
possibilities are endless, to quote an old cliche.
There is plenty of material to read and study concerning the methods
of time travel and I would highly recommend checking out such
magazines as, Scientific American, Popular Science and Popular Mechanics,
To name only a few. There are, of course, many online sites that can
give the reader all they could want on this mysterious subject. Indulge
Until an official from our government or a wacky scientist discloses
their findings on time travel, our great imaginations will have to
suffice for us for the time (no pun) being. Don't hold your breath,
however, waiting for that information.
It's my hope that the reader will allow me to propose that there is a
real possibility that time travel has happened and will happen again.
I will leave that to your own imagination. Since we don't truly know,
it's our privilege to explore the wonders of science fiction!
Jeff Pendleton
1 comment:
Pretty nice article my brother. I can only imagine the greatest time travel we will embark upon is from here to there in a split second upon the termination of our mortal existence.
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