Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Global High Strangeness

   What is really going on throughout the entire world in regards to strange occurences
of weather, unexplained phenomena, weird discoveries of creatures in the sea and in the
deep woods of the world along with unusual accounts from different people who are seeing
different orders of numbers in sequence on clocks, watches and computers?

   I have spent part of today thinking about these things and wondering just what it all
means and what could be coming on the horizon? Is there a definite purpose in it all
or is this just mass hallucination? So much is going on in diverse places and in very
strange orders it boggles the mind.

   Many bible scholars and bible teachers agree on the statement that we are in "the end times".
Looking at the events worldwide and most recently right here in our nation, it doesn't take
a genius to know that 'bad things' are happening much more often everywhere and that
these events are culminating to a final one that most will call, "Armegeddon", or the
"end of the world"!

   Lets put it in good 'ole country language...the bad guys are winning!  Not too cool for
those of us who love goodness and light and everything that is right. This is the world
that we currently live in, sadly! Can it change and get better? Those of you who are familiar
with me and this blog know what I believe and that I sincerely believe that the only way
it gets better is for each of us to turn around (the bible term is, repent) and leave behind
all the things and attitudes that separate us from a holy God and begin to do good.

   In this current "selfie" age in which we are consumed there is one sure way to bring
about the 'better angels' of our nature and begin treating the other person as we would
want to be treated ourselves! This sounds familiar doesn't it?  Just think about that for
a moment. We are called by God to be the 'vessels' for his use and in doing so he
will enable us to be the kind of person we need to be, for us and also for others!

   With this being said, its my hope that we in America will get back to what really is
important and that is the word of God and all it teaches. Its not just a book, it is alive.
I challenge any who doubt this or deny it to look into it for yourself, don't take my word
for any of it. We all need each other like never before but in this wicked world there
is only one way to do that and that's where most will rebel!

   Hopefully this blog will help somebody somewhere to take the challenge and realize
just who God made you to be and the only way we come to that realization is the
truth of Jesus Christ, the only son of God, and his work on that old cross!

   Beware, however, for there are wolves lurking about looking to eat you up at the
very moment you try. The enemy is real but so is God, who just happens to love you a
whole lot and wants nothing but the best for you and me. That's exciting!

jeff Pendleton


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