My heart is filled with deep sadness and a bit of anger today! Because of the
terrible situations we are witnessing in our country at this hour there is much
fear and resentment among the good people of this land! A spirit of recession and divisiveness roams throughout, leading many to react in violence and
hatred toward others! There seems to be no relief in sight, no light st the end of this dark tunnel.
I can only hope, for myself, that this spirit of anger in me is of a righteous
indignation and not from hatred or resentment toward anyone. We are a
people most miserable right now! The fruit of land is rotten and our `one
nation under God` banner has been ripped away and soiled by those who
lead the government of these United States! They have ignored "we the
people" and replaced our God~given rights with their own diabolical agenda!
Without going into a boring history~lesson here I would ask each of us to
reflect on why this country has thrived for so long and the reasons for our
freedoms. We have been extremely blessed by God from our foundation
until now because of sacrifice and hard work, because of putting the other
person (man,woman or child) first and also because of our love and protection
of his chosen people, Israel! I realize that some of you have taken to shaking
your head and rolling your eyes at this point, especially at the last statement,
but that's fine. You are free to do just that in this nation, at least, for the
time being.
To sum up what I am trying to get across here, I would just like to say that
the spirit we now seem to be under is a WRONG spirit! It is evil and destructive!
The goal of this spirit, or perhaps, spirits, is to divide and conquer! Nothing
else. The underlying goal of those who would destroy us (we the people) is
the end of America and all its goodness and provisions! They seek only
their own cares and carry great contempt for you and me, no matter what
color our skin happens to be!
Do not be fooled my friend, those who would take our freedom to protect
ourselves and our loved ones, go about, like a roaring lion to devour and
utterly destroy each one of us, no matter who you are or where you are from!
The aim of our enemy kid steadfast against us but if we will relinquish our
resentment and hatred against each other, we will be victorious in this
late hour!
In the end, we must say with all courage and boldness of conviction..To God Almighty be the glory and for those who trust him the light of compassion
toward our brothers and sisters of the United States Of America!
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