Monday, July 25, 2016

My Fascination With Time Travel

  I can recall days from my teen years that I began my fascination with the
subject of "time travel". If my memory serves me, it started around the age
of 14. I was always interested in sci~go tv shows that dealt with space and
ships which travelled from one place to another, sometimes engaging in
battles with alien species. Certainly Star Trek played a large roll in the
influence I received! To be clear, I have to say that it was the original
Star Trek series that made the biggest impact on me!

  Watching the crew of the Enterprise embark on one exciting adventure
after another, meeting strange but interesting aliens and in a few instances,
using time travel as a means to solve one problem or another. It was very
intoxicating for a 14 year old boys mind to wonder about the possibility of
travelling through the fabric of space and time, though I had no clue how
it worked, to always end up back where they started. Fascinating indeed!

  Certainly there were other shows and magazine articles that added sub~
stance to my obsession and I was more than happy to fill my young mind
with as much information as I could. Imagination is a wonderful thing and
mine was off~to~the~races when it felt the tingle of science fiction drama
on a given afternoon!

  As I have written several blog posts and a pinned a few poems on the
subject, I don't mean to rehash any of them here, however, I would like
To convey my thoughts and beliefs on the matter. I will not presume to
be dogmatic or unwavering in my position but only want to show that
I happen to believe it is possible, if not probable, that men can and have
travelled the confines of space and time, or, the fourth dimension!

  Your guess is as good as mine on the methods of realizing such a grand
adventure. Only the best scientific minds and the writers of these tv~
shows could explain to us how it's accomplished, apart from `smoke
and mirrors`and the magic of special effects. Does reality mirror tv
fantasy, however?  Perhaps it's the other way around!

  According to the scientific world, the reality of `time travel` hasn't
come to fruition just yet. So they tell us, anyway. It may very well be
that the "black ops" projects which the CIA has engaged in for decades
now has had, within its enormous budget, at least one project involving
sending men through time! There is little doubt that the attempt had
been made, probably during the 1940s when the Philadelphia Experiment
was a matter of top secrecy!

  Whether these top secret projects actually happened is anyone's guess,
but for the purpose of discussion, let's say that they have. Our country's
government certainly has kept many things hidden from the public
for many years, as has several other governments of the world! Just the
1947 crash of a ufo near Roswell New Mexico is enough to sizzle the
nerves of any legitimate investigator.

  The heart of mankind has a romantic connection with fantasy and
imagination and our minds are stocked full of ideas on the art of
time travel, whether back to the past or ahead to the future! The
possibilities are endless, to quote an old cliche.

  There is plenty of material to read and study concerning the methods
of time travel and I would highly recommend checking out such
magazines as, Scientific American, Popular Science and Popular Mechanics,
To name only a few. There are, of course, many online sites that can
give the reader all they could want on this mysterious subject. Indulge

  Until an official from our government or a wacky scientist discloses
their findings on time travel, our great imaginations will have to
suffice for us for the time (no pun) being. Don't hold your breath,
however, waiting for that information.

  It's my hope that the reader will allow me to propose that there is a
real possibility that time travel has happened and will happen again.
I will leave that to your own imagination.  Since we don't truly know,
it's our privilege to explore the wonders of science fiction!

Jeff Pendleton

Friday, July 22, 2016


   Sometimes I really wonder just who I am! Who is this guy I see and hear every day? What is he truly all about? I periodically go through this self~examination
every other month or so, it seems. What brings me to those questions is usually
a rough week of discouragement and anxiety, brought on by family~situations and difficulties.

  I am a `fixer`, a guy who wants to repair whatever is broken! The only
problem with that is, I often don't know how to go about fixing the problem.
I'm very good at letting people know how I feel about a particular problem,
like disrespect from the kids or a bad situation at work, but as to how we
go about repairing what has been damaged, I usually am clueless!

  This is where I have to give my wife a truck~load of credit and props! She
is a true `fixer`! She comes from a totally different direction than me. With
poised response, she sizes up the problem, prays and, with a good amount of
wisdom, makes a recommendation! It usually works.

  I am on the opposite end of the spectrum, without a doubt! My first reaction
(there's my first mistake) is normally one of anger and anxiousness at what
is wrong. I try to keep everything under one, giant umbrella. That includes
my family, my marriage and my self~image. If anything is `off kilter` in one
of these, then the other areas are effected! That's from my point of view, any

  My wife has told me on many occasions that the way I respond (not react) to
the problem is the impression I give to everyone around me. I can be upset
by the situation and take it seriously, but I don't need to "blow up" about it.
Honestly, I think people from miles away could hear me when I'm upset and
talking loud (I don't yell) and making known how I feel about it. Whew!

  So this is party why I am a man that examines his motives for any given
situation. I analyze each and every angle and possibility and often end up
with a really bad headache, along with giving one to my wife. Not a good

  I need to get to a place of refuge. A quiet and calm area of my personality
that is comprised of the best gifts that God gives to each believer in his son,
Jesus Christ. Kindness, compassion, wisdom and empathy! These are all
gifts of the holy Spirit and are meant to be the guiding person in our
lived. We make things too hard (listening Jeff?).

   It's my hope and prayer that a breakthrough is on the way and in the
very near future the change will be quite evident in me.

Jeff Pendleton


Monday, July 18, 2016


  I have joined a poetry site to sort of get different perspectives on the art of writing. I have to say I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience and have learned some valuable to p s for angles, style and format! The site is called, Allpoetry. Very nice and really organized!

  I have to admit that poetry has never really been my `thing` but I have
had a growing desire to attempt it and a genuine appreciation for those who
seem to handle the craft with remarkable style and ease. Poetry isn't boring
or silly, it's a fantastic art~form and a wonderful way to express ones
self in today's society!

  Remember how long I have had the dream of becoming a successful writer
and to have the freedom of time to pursue causes me to pause for a moment and realize that I am doing just that today. I am very grateful to God for that
fact and for the way he orchestrated my life, from mountain top peaks, to
lowest valleys, he has brought me to this place! Wow!

  Looking toward the future, both immediate and distant, I can see myself
being quite busy in the field and loving every minute of the process, almost
every minute, I should say. It's the freedom to do it and accomplish the
goals that I set that is so attractive to me! An amazing opportunity to be

  I want to give a big `shout out` to those who read and share my blog
and who give great support to me! I need every bit of it. You people are
great and I love you.

  Be blessed and not stressed this week, folks.

Jeff Pendleton


Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Michael Lake: The Shinar Directive, Part 2

Global High Strangeness

   What is really going on throughout the entire world in regards to strange occurences
of weather, unexplained phenomena, weird discoveries of creatures in the sea and in the
deep woods of the world along with unusual accounts from different people who are seeing
different orders of numbers in sequence on clocks, watches and computers?

   I have spent part of today thinking about these things and wondering just what it all
means and what could be coming on the horizon? Is there a definite purpose in it all
or is this just mass hallucination? So much is going on in diverse places and in very
strange orders it boggles the mind.

   Many bible scholars and bible teachers agree on the statement that we are in "the end times".
Looking at the events worldwide and most recently right here in our nation, it doesn't take
a genius to know that 'bad things' are happening much more often everywhere and that
these events are culminating to a final one that most will call, "Armegeddon", or the
"end of the world"!

   Lets put it in good 'ole country language...the bad guys are winning!  Not too cool for
those of us who love goodness and light and everything that is right. This is the world
that we currently live in, sadly! Can it change and get better? Those of you who are familiar
with me and this blog know what I believe and that I sincerely believe that the only way
it gets better is for each of us to turn around (the bible term is, repent) and leave behind
all the things and attitudes that separate us from a holy God and begin to do good.

   In this current "selfie" age in which we are consumed there is one sure way to bring
about the 'better angels' of our nature and begin treating the other person as we would
want to be treated ourselves! This sounds familiar doesn't it?  Just think about that for
a moment. We are called by God to be the 'vessels' for his use and in doing so he
will enable us to be the kind of person we need to be, for us and also for others!

   With this being said, its my hope that we in America will get back to what really is
important and that is the word of God and all it teaches. Its not just a book, it is alive.
I challenge any who doubt this or deny it to look into it for yourself, don't take my word
for any of it. We all need each other like never before but in this wicked world there
is only one way to do that and that's where most will rebel!

   Hopefully this blog will help somebody somewhere to take the challenge and realize
just who God made you to be and the only way we come to that realization is the
truth of Jesus Christ, the only son of God, and his work on that old cross!

   Beware, however, for there are wolves lurking about looking to eat you up at the
very moment you try. The enemy is real but so is God, who just happens to love you a
whole lot and wants nothing but the best for you and me. That's exciting!

jeff Pendleton


Tuesday, July 12, 2016

We All Matter

   My heart is filled with deep sadness and a bit of anger today! Because of the
terrible situations we are witnessing in our country at this hour there is much
fear and resentment among the good people of this land! A spirit of recession and divisiveness roams throughout, leading many to react in violence and
hatred toward others! There seems to be no relief in sight, no light st the end of this dark tunnel.

   I can only hope, for myself, that this spirit of anger in me is of a righteous
indignation and not from hatred or resentment toward anyone. We are a
people most miserable right now! The fruit of land is rotten and our `one
nation under God` banner has been ripped away and soiled by those who
lead the government of these United States! They have ignored "we the
people" and replaced our God~given rights with their own diabolical agenda!

   Without going into a boring history~lesson here I would ask each of us to
reflect on why this country has thrived for so long and the reasons for our
freedoms. We have been extremely blessed by God from our foundation
until now because of sacrifice and hard work, because of putting the other
person (man,woman or child) first and also because of our love and protection
of his chosen people, Israel! I realize that some of you have taken to shaking
your head and rolling your eyes at this point, especially at the last statement,
but that's fine. You are free to do just that in this nation, at least, for the
time being.

   To sum up what I am trying to get across here, I would just like to say that
the spirit we now seem to be under is a WRONG spirit! It is evil and destructive!
The goal of this spirit, or perhaps, spirits, is to divide and conquer! Nothing
else. The underlying goal of those who would destroy us (we the people) is
the end of America and all its goodness and provisions! They seek only
their own cares and carry great contempt for you and me, no matter what
color our skin happens to be!

   Do not be fooled my friend, those who would take our freedom to protect
ourselves and our loved ones, go about, like a roaring lion to devour and
utterly destroy each one of us, no matter who you are or where you are from!
The aim of our enemy kid steadfast against us but if we will relinquish our
resentment and hatred against each other, we will be victorious in this
late hour!

   In the end, we must say with all courage and boldness of conviction..To God Almighty be the glory and for those who trust him the light of compassion
toward our brothers and sisters of the United States Of America!

Monday, July 4, 2016

What Is Real Freedom>

   Every 4th of July brings lots of celebration across America as per-normal with tons
of fireworks and sparklers along with neighborhood picnics that abound with one form of food to another. Kids playing assorted games, flying Frisbees, throwing football and generally enjoying
the freedom of living in America.

   When you think about the word freedom, what do you picture in your mind? Do you have
thoughts of the red, white and blue of our nations flag? Maybe you ponder on the soldiers of
our various military branches who have fought and died to keep the freedoms we still enjoy as
americans.  We must give these men and women a very special and heart-felt thank you for
every moment of their sacrifice on our behalf!

   Having said all of this, lets try to understand what freedom truly is to us and what the word
actually means. Websters dictionary defines freedom as, .."the quality or state of being free"..
I think we can truly say that here in America we certainly have, in many ways, a certain
quality of life that many other nations do not have! That would include in areas of living
that we normally abide in. Examples are, shopping, traveling, business and entertainment.
There is such a sense of freedom for us that, often, we become 'expectant' and a little
lethargic which is noticed by those in other countries who don't have the same freedoms
we possess!

   if we really examine our daily lives we would easily see just how much we have in
abundance as far as time and treasure and the choice of where we want to go, how long we want
to stay and with whom we want to be with. That's very liberating, isn't it? Just to realize
what we each take for granted each day is the fact that we are able to do whatever and whenever
we wish! Very liberating, indeed!

   As Webster told us, "quality or state of being free", means just that..BEING FREE. For me,
it brings a calming and comforting to an otherwise busy and hectic day while attempting to
take care of my family and our own needs. We take so much for granted and here in the
good 'ole USA we absolutely wallow in that fact!

   So as the fireworks flare and light up the night sky wherever we happen to be, I hope this
article helps all of us to realize and remember where we came from, how we got here and
just exactly how truly 'free' we are now, as long as those who lead our government comply
to the outlines of our constitution and give up their own agendas! I don't have an axe to grind
against either political party but I stand firm in my convictions on the founding documents
that helped define this land! No apologies from me on this and I think I'm being pretty
clear where I stand!

   Regardless of how we may view the word and what it means to each of us, just being
grateful for all of our freedoms and for the land we live in should be a daily practice for
every one from senior citizen to young child. We owe much to those who have given so much to
ensure that we have the gift of freedom and that we maintain for the next generation
what it truly means to be free!

   Without a doubt, we would not have any type of freedom if it were not for a loving and
providing, gracious God who had all of this planned from the beginning for any one who
would choose to accept it. Freedom has never been free, though! It cost God everything
and it required the lives of many of our loved ones in order to bring it to pass!

   Enjoy the day and enjoy every moment of your own freedom. It may be around for much longer!

jeff Pendleton
