Sunday, August 7, 2016

Spock, A Christian? Fascinating!

  The title of this post is very provocative I know. It comes from an idea I had after watching a
few episodes of the original Star Trek series and concentrating on the Vulcan logic of the character
of Spock. I mused about the possibility of Spock becoming a "born again Christian" in the midst
of a very humanistic and technologically-advanced world would be quite a 'fly in the ointment', so
to speak! The world of Star Trek comes, of course, from the mind of Gene Roddenberry, a former
army-pilot and a man with a rather humanistic view on life! Roddenberry's wife, Majel, played a
couple of major roles in both the original show and also Star Trek:The Next Generation.

  Vulcans are certainly a species who are closer to using logical ways of thinking much more than
either humans or most other species on the show! I allowed my mind to wonder and imagine a
story-line which would involve a human male who comes to a deep space-station as a trader of
goods and a painter. He also happens to be a Christian, devoted to the study of the holy scriptures
and a man who 'fears God'! As the Enterprise crew is granted shore-leave on the station, Spock
meets this man in one of the dining halls and they begin talking. Throughout the conversation
both men seemed quite taken with each other and they began a fast-friendship. Spock doesn't
make friends easily because he is so straight-forward at this time in his life so it is a rather unique
result that he was drawn to this new visitor in such a way! The man's name is Stephen Paulson.

  During the Enterprises week-long shore-leave, the two men met each day in the same dining hall
and exchanged ideas on the Federation, sciences, books of antiquity and human religion's. Spock
had much to say on each subject, as did Stephen, but it was the topic of religion that garnered
many questions from Spock and mostly curious looks, with one eyelid raised higher than the
other at some of Stephen's explanation's.  A wonderful friendship was about to bloom, only Spock
wasn't aware of that fact just yet!

  Vulcan logic meets biblical doctrine! That would make for a most interesting and engaging
conversation anywhere. In my imagination I could see Spock learning and testing the answers
which Stephen gave and beginning to ponder just what this human religion called, Christianity,
was truly about. His curiosity was almost...human. What a great insult to Spock's logical mind-
set! As he learned from Stephen about the centrality of this doctrine being in the person of
Jesus Christ, Spock wrestles with this statement and he briefly balks at it///it is not logical for
one man to take upon himself the sin-debt of all humanity, be killed for it, buried and three day's
later he is raised from the dead in order to bring "salvation" to those humans! Stephen grins wide
and even manages to laugh just a little, not to insult Spock, as he recalls the way most folks respond
to the gospel during his daily life on earth.

  It would be a remarkable addition to any Star Trek show to have, not a religious zealot or a
man who tried to manipulate people, a truly godly man of great integrity to bring such influence
upon the world of humanistic-spirit which prevails in this science-fiction drama. What a contrast
it would be! Stephen could easily lead millions of, not only humans, but many other species to
the saving gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ! Wow, what a cool tv show for a new set of Trek fans!

  I believe Spock's logical world-view would combine with the spiritual foundation of the bible
would help to make him a leader in this new way of Christianity and the future will be radically
changed for the better to everyone involved. I believe it would make a wonderful sci-fi show!
So that's why I give this post the title...Spock A Christian?...It would most certainly be a
fascinating idea to appear on the tv screen.
Blog post:Spock a Christian?

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