Monday, June 13, 2016

To Begin Again

   Struggling to write something can be very frustrating and taxing! It can feel like an albatross around ones neck. To stroke against the air, searching for that hint of a subject. Just a glimmer of an idea and I could take off with wings of an eagle! The beginnings of an article waiting to be found.

   Knowing from my youth that writing was to be my calling, I have longed to envision that seed come to fruition. To realize that dream and cultivate the ground beneath, where the seed was first planted. A bountiful crop to be had, for sure, is what I can see just ahead!

   Writing is fun and it is also hard work, as many authors and free~Landers will
attest to. Both are indigenous to the craft! If what we do is not mixed with fun and satisfaction, then what we are doing is a waste! It sure never be this way for any man or woman. Realizing a dream should be common ~ place for every
human being on the earth. To dream can be thought of as a fine fabric, knitted into the linings of our DNA. Dreaming is human.

   So where does the struggle to write come from? Is it a lack of knowledge on a particular subject? A lack of self~confidence, perhaps? Maybe it's trouble with correct spelling. Many writers have trouble in this area. Whatever the problem may be, it can be overcome with persistent and consistent work! There certainly is work involved and the effort put into it will be the reward coming on the other side

   I have gained much knowledge in the art of writing from those who have blazed the trail ahead of me and each one has my respect and great appreciation. Knowledge without action, however, is pure folly! Gratification will come only after I have done my due diligence and put in the passion and
steadiness needed for the best results! No consistency, no fruit from the ground!
The dream will die a slow, agonizing death, to be sure!

   With this in mind, I have accepted the challenge and my destination is clear. The compass is set and the course is dead~ahead, into the deep waters of expectation and adventure. There must be no turning back and no quitting on my part! I alone am responsible for the success of a writing career because it is upon me that God gave this gift and duty, not someone else!

   To Begin again only helps me understand better the importance and sense~of~urgency that is visible to me and the ministry that writing can be to others. It certainly is a ministry to me, filled with many blessings and surprises and a love for learning. What tales need to be told? What adventures await just around the next corner for both writer and reader to engage in?

   For a novelist or freelancer, writing is indeed a "work of art" and our canvas is the entire world . Gentle strokes and a steady brush are needed for each and every portrait readied for public and private consumption!

   Make the pen ready and your eyes as a flint to conquer the blank page from which comes your greatest of all challenges!

   Note to self..

   Jeff pendleton


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