Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Is America Dead?

   A very provocative and engaging title to this blog, no doubt! Lets explore that question, though. Is it possible that America has died as a nation and we, as its people, aren't even aware of it? The Land of the free and home of the brave, right? Say what? You can't be serious! This country has outlasted every other nation on the planet and has prospered more than any other. We have come to the rescue of more countries than any of us can remember and sent more missionaries than other nations as well
yet we have to ask this vital question1

   Since the late 1950's it seems that there has been an orchestrated effort to hinder, erode and utterly destroy the great freedoms we have had from our humble but determined beginnings. With the advent of tv and all the mind-numbing programming forced on the American people, because this country was the first for this weapon-of-propaganda, what started as fairly simple and benign television soon transformed into the hypnotizing, 'in your face' beast that we have today! Yet the tv isn't the lone wolf in this attack!

   A barrage of weapons have been used by the enemy to stop this land of ours from advancing any further! Why? Whats the purpose for this assault on society? Our freedoms stripped, our morals melted away by the acidic poison from the elites and what seems to be more rapid and devious
assaults on our land. Again, we ask, whats the purpose of this? I think its pretty apparent from the
bleak picture shown above.

   What can be done to hault this sinister game? Do we take up arms against the enemy? Do we stand-
in-protest on the steps of every court house in every state? Can we unite as freedom-loving-patriots (oh, there's that word) and push back against this terrible tyranny? Yes, yes and again I say YES!
That's exactly what we can and should do. After all, we are the people for which this country was
built from a previous dismal and oppressive government!

   Lets not let these offensive tactics be all that we do, however. The very best and most effective weapon in our arsenal is no doubt that of prayer! Not some ethereal murmuring and fruitless banter
towards the ceiling. No! What we need is soul-wrenching, heart-bleeding, effective communication to the Almighty God above! This is vital for our survival and, yet, it is still not all we must do.

   There must be, first, a crying out and genuine turning away ourselves from every known sin that
we are currently involved in! If not for this beginning action, we will all perish! There is no getting around it, no pretending that we don't know which sins have taken over first place in our hearts. We know each one and can probably name them! This is not a game and it most certainly is not Mr.Roger's neighborhood! Its for 'keeps' people and America is on 'life-support'!

   The time is NOW. Not later, not tomorrow morning. It is right now and every second we wait
bring's our land that much closer to a 'flat line'. Do we really care about our future or is all we have
wrapped up in the present? Most of us don't like thinking beyond our little circle. My needs and desires are the most important above anything else, any way, right? Ponder that statement for a moment. Let the seriousness of it burn into your spirit.

   There is a call-for-action from the Most High for this nation! God pleads with the people to repent, to turn around back to his direction and be healed! There is no peace without confession and no
victory without preparation! America may have already sealed her fait but I, for one, don't believe in
a no-win-scenario, to quote Capt.James T Kirk, I believe there is still a gracious amount of time and
the means by which we can turn this battle back to our favor.

   To our knees we must fall and let God bring an end to the anguish and pain that so many are
afflicted with throughout the shores of the U.S.A.  He desires nothing but good for each of us and to
prosper us with much more than money. A full life, an abundant relationship with him and the peace
that passes all of our understanding. Man, that sounds like an awesome plan to me!

Jeff Pendleton



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