Sunday, May 29, 2016

Looking For The Mysterious


   Things that are considered mysterious intrigue and fascinate many of us! The mysteries of life can add suspense, adventure and thrill to an otherwise dull day. For humans, investigating and solving a mystery brings a sense of accomplishment and it can boost our self-image. Some would say that the fascination with the world of mysteries is woven into our dna. The impulse to solve any mystery seems to be similar in its effect on us as winning at sports or recording an award-winning song!

   The thrill of being able to rattle around a mystery from one end to the other, sift it for any loose ends and look at every possible scenario before finally solving it brings elation to us and a hunger for more! We are hooked! It doesn't get any better than that.

   We know that life is full of 'unknowns'. The unexpected touches everyone of us in different ways and areas of our lives. How we deal with that unexpected happening is vital for us! It matters how we view the unforeseen circumstances that hit us when we are down or send us to our knees with a strong 'uppercut' to the heart! This aint kindergarten, folks. This is real life and it happens to any and all!

   Even with those hard facts facing us, we still enjoy a good 'ole mystery to solve. For me, some of the biggest mysteries that I am intent on searching out and exploring have to do with the super-natural. The unseen, the 'wispy' figure just out of sight or the huge creature that lurks in the woods just over that hill. Ah, stuff of legends, you might say! Could be but what if that's not the case? What if there is long strands of truth within those so-called legends?

   Some good friends and I are in the middle of searching, documenting and hopefully finding the answers to several of these unknown puzzles! Our intentions are to form an expedition-team and go straight into the heart of these mysteries, wherever that leads us. We have determination and courage and a desire to see just whats at the "end of the rainbow", as it were. To go into the belly of the beast is an adventure that we can not take lightly! This is serious business and I don't believe either of us is filled with a prideful attitude or arrogance at all. I think we are fully aware of what we are heading into and the possibility of what could be waiting for us, watching us even.

   Anyone can find a good mystery book and dive into the story with excitement and wonder and that's often the spark for some who desire to go 'further'. To explore and to engage in the 'hunt', so to speak. Finding the answers to the more puzzling questions in our existence. Whats out there?

Part 1                                                                                                                      jeff pendleton

Part 2 coming soon


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