My mind has been occupied by some serious and rather unusual subjects today! I receive many notifications from email newsletters during the week and a few of these report on supernatural events around the world. As I was reading through some of the accounts, I noticed a rapid upsurge in the reports of strange lights shooting across the skies in the U.S. and other countries. Eye witnesses saw fireball-like, round objects blaze across the night sky with great speeds! The witnesses also saw some bright colors surrounding the objects. Green, yellow and blue were most common among them.
Whatever ones opinion on the subject, there is no denying the fact that the amount of sightings is increasing, not diminishing! Since the 1950's America alone has been fascinated by the possibility of visitors or invaders from another world coming here to do whatever they do to us. Its a concept that is boosted by tv shows and movies which have enabled us to use our great imagination's and go exploring through unlimited worlds for fun/ Certainly the prime candidate for this is Star Trek! Most
people would agree. If not for Star Trek, my favorite show of all time by the way, then there would most likely be an immense hole in the fabric of our society!
I make no claims to know what it is that witnesses are seeing on a daily basis, but I do have my own conclusions on the subject and one that has formed over many years and countless researching of reports. I will say this, that the people involved in the majority of these encounters are left with emotional and physical scars which are reminders to them that something very strange was encountered in their life and, for them, it was very, very real!
Maybe this mystery will be answered soon, who knows but for now the fact that UFO reports are
certainly on the increase and do not appear to be going away any time soon! We don't need to look for a quick-fix on this but we also should not allow ourselves to think it will just go away. I am
convinced that there is much more to come on this matter.
The other matter I have spent some time considering today is the movie, The Matrix. Many of you are familiar with this film, after all it is a cult-classic from the 1990's, and know what the movie is about. Thinking about that and realizing the impact that particular film has made on our society here in America helps me to realize that we as a people are highly influenced by what we see and hear on a daily basis. This is not a revelation, of course, just my own musing on the effect the movie has on us all.
Whether we know it or not, The Matrix is an idea. An idea by those who look beyone the norm and have seen into what could be. Sounds rather esoteric, doesn't it? All we have to do is look at our way of living and how we go about thr routines of each week and we will realize that what appears to be 'normal' may actually be quite different. Maybe even a little weird! We are trained from childhood to conform to one order or another! We are made to form straight lines, to walk in a certain way, to suppress our own will's and to be just like the other's in the class! Taught to conform to the routine, to the Matrix.
Maybe it is 'just a movie' after all but then again, movies are nade to effect us. Our emotions, our thought-process and our mannerisms come from what we have seen and heard in a particular film or film's, plural. We cant afford to brush aside the effects of what we are taught from the entertainment world. Humans love to be entertained. We crave it, in fact! Aside from working a job, most human beings plunge themselves into hours and hours of mindless-entertainment and allow ourselves to journey to a fantasy existence. Or is it fantasy?
The Matrix brought in millions of dollars from it's inception back in the late 90's and has really made it's "mark" on everything we do! No doubt causing many of us to wish for that fantasy-world over the one we currently abide in. Imagination is needed for each of us and it is a unique gift given to us by an Almighty Creator so it benefits all of us to use it and explore the endless paths it can take us on! We are all about having fun, right?
As I conclude this post, I am left with a consuming question...what if our 'normal' way of doing things is actually not so normal? What if we all are actually living within an imaginary world, a true fantasy? Perhaps I am letting my own imagination get away from me. It does not conform to the rules, after all. The real fun and wonderment comes from pretending any way. Right?
Let the fun become real.
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