Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Life Is Good

   In child-like excitement we can enjoy our lives with just the same kind of passion and thrill as we did in childhood!  Who says we can't? Recalling my childhood I have so many great memories of playing outside for hours, pretending with my friends and going on endless adventures through our neighborhood. We did everything, nothing was off-limits. Well, almost nothing, anyway! There were gunfights (which I always won), hikes through the wilderness in some prickly-bushes along either street in our area. We rode our awesome bikes from one end of the neighborhood to the other and back again, for hours. We didn't have time to get bored! Too much to do and too much area to do it in.

   As adults, we often find ourselves complaining about the mundane, daily chores we are required to do. That job we hate, the endless errands we have to run or sitting at the computer making out the monthly bills. Not fun, is it? What happened to that excitement and boundless energy we had as kids? Why cant we have the same fun as adults as we did during those young days? The fact is, we can!

   There is no law that prevents any adult from having loads of fun and adventure today which can equal all that we ever did as children! You can wake up every day and make a decision. Choose to begin the day in an excited mood and set out to have some fun somewhere. Its just a daily choice. Its just that simple. We put limits and boundries on ourselves that do not have to be there. What happened to using phrases like,..live it up...go all out...shoot for the moon...or, lets do it? No where is it written that we are required, by law, to resist all urges or thoughts of anything 'fun'! It aint there, folks.

   I am making this short and sweet on purpose! We each have been given something...today! Lets start the day by making the free choice to have as much fun as possible in as many areas of our life that we can. Now, we all know that bad things happen every day and none of us is immune to any of those tough times. Life happens no matter who you are, where you are or what you do to make a living. That does not mean you cant make something good out of a bad situation and turn it around.

   I know this all sounds great and probably too "pie in the sky" kind of reasoning, but it rings true for each of us. We wake up evry day making choices. The key is to choose that today is going to be good no matter what because I am determined to have some fun (the clean kind) and I'm going to encourage, help and make others laugh if I can. God willing, its already starting out to be  an exciting, fun day!

   Come on, people...lets do it and pull out all the stops. Have some boundless fun today and do it with all you got!  Woooooooooo!

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