Thursday, June 1, 2017

Trusting God's Character

  There are times when God will ask us to 'step out' on faith and do something that seems unreasonable or that doesn't make sense! The world calls that, "a leap of faith" but its actually no leap at all! It's 'baby-step' of faith!All it takes is putting one foot in front of the other and you begin the

It takes faith in God to accomplish anything for his kingdom, anything at all! Where is our faith placed? It is squarely placed in the character of God! It is in the fact that God will keep his word and
be faithful in what he says! You won't have to doubt when God tells you something! We can trust him him fully with all our heart!

This is part of the character of God, keeping his word as he has stated it to be. He is faithful and can
never lie to us. Truthfullness is another of the points of Gods character! There is no other that we can put our absolute trust in than in the mighty character of the most high God!

So if you are impressed by the Holy Spirit to do a thing for God, you must first put faith to action.
Take 'baby-steps', a we stated before and then hit full stride! Full stride is when you have abandoned
all reason and give it over to the act of faith! That's not believing it before you see it, exactly, its
obeying God because you know he is truthful!

Paul states in the book of James..."faith without works is dead"! That means that we have to put feet to belief. If we hesitate, we really don't believe God or his word! So when the LORD says, "I want you to do this", can we truly trust his character that it will work out as he has said? Yes, we can!

In fact, much of what is said in God's word doesn't make sense, natural sense anyway! But the bible is a 'supernatural' book and full of the acts of God that are strange to a natural creation and seem odd to us. It makes absolute sense to the 'spiritual' man, indeed! After all, Jesus walked on water, raised the dead to life again, put a coin in a fishes mouth in order to pay tribute to Ceaser and caused a donkey to speak. Now that's supernatural!

If we are going to do anything worth doing for God, we have to risk everything in the natural and it's just that simple. When we are obedient to Jesus Christ we then find out what he ask us to do makes total, common sense.

The world will hate us but God will elevate us in our faith.

jeff pendleton


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