Why do they fascinate us so? Lights in the sky that look not so ordinary. We
don't just see stars, we are convinced, at least on occasion, that what we are looking
at isn't 'just a normal, everyday celestial body'. That light up there has to be a
space-craft from out-there-somewhere.
There is an inner-hunger, if you will, in mankind that looks to the stars and wants
to know that he is not alone. We seek communion with heavonly beings who will
reach down a caring hand and lead us along to a 'better existence'. We are crying for
help and we have been doing so for the past fifty years or more.
The most amazing and exciting thing about it, though, is that we are most
certainly not alone. I am sure some of you are thinking, "oh boy, this guy belives
that we belong to a brotherhood of space-people and that we are 'destined' to be
brought back into the fold soon". No, not at all.
I do, however, realize the truth about our existence, our reason for being here.
It is the simple fact that we are loved and our creator, the Almighty God, made us
in his image and he delights in us. In each one of us, God has placed a very special
'hunger' to know him, though many don't realize that.
Without 'preaching' to you, I simply want to say that YOU matter to God. You
are the reason he came to this little, blue planet over two thousand years ago in the
form of his Son, Jesus Christ, and died a horrible death in order to pay the debt you
and I owed. That debt was and is called, sin.
What a wonderful realization! The God of the universe and beyond formed this
creature called man and breathed life into him and placed him in the most beauti-
ful place there ever was to live forever. However, we turned on God and from the
beginning we told our heavenly father, "we don't really need you to help us live,
we want it our own way!"
Death was the resultof that horrendous decision (Romans 6;23} and all we have
to do to realize that is look around us. There is great news, however. God still loves
us and hasn't stopped. According to his Word, repentance is needed in each of us
and then acceptence of the work that Jesus Christ did on that old cross (Romans
10;8,9 and 10) to recieve the blessed eternal life. It is real and the best gift of all!
What does all this have to do with those 'lights' in the sky, you ask? It has
everything to do with it. Since the 'fall' of Adam and Eve, our original parents, we
have all been cursed. That curse was placed on our souls. We each are born in
that sin-condition and a penalty had to be paid, in blood. It was, by Jesus!
Because of that curse, the enemy of God and man, Satan, began to decieve us
into thinking that we are each gods in our own right. His work never stops and
part of that work includes the deceptive intrigue of the occult. Power fascinates
us and the occult can be a very strong influence to those who have not accepted
that special gift of salvation from God.
I strongly believe that the enemy knows our weaknesses and plays on them
by trickery. Some of his favorite games have to do with those 'lights or objects'
that many have witnessed in the night sky. There are very credible reports
from city officials, pilots and farmers that tell of their experiences with these
un-earthly objects.
I am cinvinced that many people have seen something strange. After all,
satan is the master-deciever and some light-shows are not out of his realm
of power, for certain. Our enemy does have power, there is no denying that,
and he attempts to corrupt all that he that he can. Our own minds are a
So what does this say about the extra-terrestrail lights and strange
happenings occuring today? It plainly tells me that the time for decision
is at hand. For those of us who are believers in Christ (to believe in
something, one must live it) the decision is one of servanthood and of
constant confession and turning to God for cleansing.
For the unbeliver or lost person, it is a matter of realization and
repentance toward God. Let there be no pretense, only genuine
trust and forsaking of sin. He does care for you and that fact that he
gave his all, Jesus, for you and me is the best truth I know of.
Finally, let the scriptures speak to you and then the true and living
Light will shine before like you just can't understand presently. Romans
10;13 is the best thing I can leave with you. Put your trust in Him
today, won't you.
pt.3 coming soon, hold on 'til then
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