Thursday, November 26, 2009

Today's Movies Reflect Reality

Being a science-fiction buff and lapping up anything to do with, Star trek, Stargate (sg1) and
whatever resembles stories on UFO's, strange phenomena or warehouses filled with secret government relics, I would like to offer up this estimation. The films of today are geared toward
revealing many aspects of our society of the future.
Case-in-point: The Fourth Kind and 2012. Each movie does well in pulling the curtain back and letting the audience see what just might be happening to human beings on planet earth.
Dealing with the subject of alien abduction's and terrifying night-visions is explored by a local
physcotherapist set in an Alaskan town in the year 2000. The doctor's encounters with her
patients sleep problems starts it all. When several of her patients endure very similar symptoms, she becomes concerned and curious. The Fourth Kind is the next step in our
contact with alien/demonic intelligence.
As a Christian, I witnessed strong "spiritual warfare" taking place during this film. I was
visibly shaken and deeply concerned for those people who suffered these horrifying events,
if they are, in fact, real. If they are not factual, then my concern goes out to the actors and
actresses who took part in it. They will, no doubt, be emotionally and physcologically effected.
As those who have read my previous blogs realize, I have a strong impression about the
alien phenomena taking place in our world today. Though there will be those who ridicule and
doubt seriously any of these reported cases, I am of absolute conviction that the city officials,
the police officers, firemen, factory-workers and buisnessmen who have made the eye-witness reports have had real encounters with something not of this world!
There is a very real battle going on for the minds and souls of men, women and children, make
no mistake about it! We are now and have been for a very long time under attack by these creatures from the other side. They come as 'peacemakers' but hide their true identity. The
masquerade has not ended!
For those who have seen the movie, 2012, you have now been endoctrinated with knowledge
of a scenario which may quite possibly become reality in the near future. The Mayans could have
hit that nail squarely on the head! Their predictions and sumaries certainly have, at least, some
credibility. There are even those of the clergy who 'believe' that many aspects of the Mayan
knowledge is accurate and that our world is in for great trouble very soon.
I would like to make one statement about the film's use of water, though. No doubt that the
changing rotation of our planet would cause unimaginable catastrophies throughout the world,
with tsunamies covering a great deal of the earths surface, we have already been told in God's
holy word, the bible, that he will not again destroy the earth with water. It will be with fire.
Destruction and more destruction is the attention-grabber in this one and a whole lot of
fear-mongering, to say the least. Seeing either of these movies does not leave one with a sense
of hope or encouragement. Just the opposite is the result.
Many of the current films and tv-shows are geared to bring us into a state of hopelessness and
despair and that just isn't the kind of life God intended for any of us to live. have faith in He who
loves you unconditionally and really does care about everything you go through. Skip the
movies this time and rekindle those relationships which are most important to you. Have fun!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The New Deception

It's no secret that our world is in a shambles. On just about every front we
witness disease, poverty, rising crime, murder of the innocent and evil all
around us. The details here would only serve to produce more fear upon
the public and that is not my intention.

What I do hope to convey to you is my view on a very deep and puzzling
mystery which, at least on the surface, seems to fit right into the current
news of our day, though not so obviously.

The subject of UFO's has been intriguing to me since I was about 12 years
old. I had a siting of a fiery-yellow ball coming down from the sky at an
angle from right to left and appeared to be headed toward the ground. As I
recall, the object did not hit the ground, though. It suddendly stopped and
made a vertical landing, somewhere, near where my brother and i stood.

That memory is over 36 years old now and still fresh in my mind. I expect
that it always will be. It made a very real impact upon me! I have since
researched and studied this strange phenomenon on a regular basis. I
believe it to be a most important subject!

Why do i believe that? Because our world is made up of the physical and
the spiritual and this mystery fits very snug into the latter. I am strongly
convinced that the UFO phenomena is, without question, a product of both.
I would also emphasise that it is more of the spiritual than the physical.

The human heart has always been captivated by the "unknown" and
"mysterious". We long to know about the unknown. Whats inside that
dark room? That closet? What if I could reach through the mirror and
touch the other side? Would I

When i was a child I used to have nightmares about little creatures living
at the bottom of my closet and I would be afraid to touch anything in there.
Creepy stuff for a little kid. Its the unknown.

The UFO mystery has been a part of our culture for well over 50 years
now. It hasn't gotten stale or boring. It has florished! The mystery has
engulfed our imaginations and has effected our lives. Thousands of news-
paper and magazine articles have been published on the subject. Many
photos, though some are certainly manufactured for profit, have been
taken of these 'bright lights in the sky'.

Reports have been made and stories investigated from all corners of
the globe. In America, the White House was surrounded by strange
objects in the night sky in 1952. Several of these strange lights buzzed
over 1600 Pennysvilania Avenue and were caught on film.

From the crop-circle mystery to the abduction scenario, this UFO
phenomena just won;t go away. Why is this happening? Only the
'unstable' and crazy believe this stuff, right? No one can take it
seriously, can they? On the contrary.