The recent events in Texas over the bright, fiery lights setting low in the sky seem
to be causing quite a stir. America has had several reports of these extremely bright
luminous lights which hover just overhead and appear to be spinning or whirling. They
are seen briefly and then vanish in seconds.
Reports like these should be 'old-hat' for us in the United States but they still amaze
and fascinate us. Certainly since the late 1940's the many stories of Ufo's have become
part of our culture. We almost expect to hear of them and the mindset of some is that
they 'must' be extra-terrestrial in origin.
It's my opinion that these objects are very 'real' but in what text? Could they be some
sort military craft that is unknown to the populace, perhaps Russian or Chinese? Is it
possible they are manufactured by an allied group of scientist from around the globe
to usher in a 'new age of technology'?
Could it just be possible that they are, in fact, extraterrestrial and are here to 'explore'
this world or 'scope us out', as it were? I have studied this topic of interest for many
years and from what I have learned and can come up with as far as any evidence seems
to point to the "underworld".
As a 'born-again believer' in Christ Jesus I adhere to scripture when confronted with
the 'mysteries of the galaxy'. This is my foundation and I am assured that it will not
crumble underneath me. The area of Ufo's or those 'bright lights in the sky' are not
exempt from this stance.
We are left, then, with the continual question of the explanation of these objects.
Do they pose any harm to the human race? Are they a threat only to our 'air-space'?
Many people will yearn for these things to be usher's of a 'new era of enlightenment'
and thereby decieve themselves. Others will focus on somehow making a profit from
the phenomena.
It is my hope and prayer that their true intention's will be revealed quickly. That
the Holy God above all will open the eyes of the blind and show them what lies behind
the mask. I believe that what we will see, in my opinion, is the ugly spector of evil
and sin.
Just so you will know, I don't claim to know without question the answer to this
phenomena . I do, however, hold fast to my inner-beliefs and all the evidence that I
can muster bring's a clear picture to my thinking. You have your own opinion.
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