Another chapter written in this ever-exanding tale of my weekly life. I
jokingly tell my friends and family that yet another entry must be written
down for that 'book of my life'. The usual response from my friends is often
Today the latest experience is about a nasty spill I took on my front porch
steps early this morning while attempting to get to work. The state was hit
with ice and freezing-rain yesterday and last night and while I thought I
was a careful person I forgot all about placing some salt on the steps to
prevent such a thing from happening.
A little wisdom goes a real long way! It would have taken only a few moments
of time to cover the steps with the prevention but, oh no, I couldn't get it done.
I went to sleep and forgot about everything. Am I sorry and sore today.
I am very thankful, however, that it was me that fell and not my wife or any
of the children. That would have been bad I'm sure. That book of mine would be
filled with some interesting and eye-popping stories that would stretch from
the early 1990's until now and would have most folks just shaking their heads
in disbelief. My current supervisor could do a whole lot of the writing, let me
Maybe I could title it, "The Weekly Adventures In The Life Of A Garbage Man".
How's that for a title? It would not be boring I can assure you. I've always been
told to keep a journal and I am a believer now for sure. The reading would most
likely keep one's attention and make for good dinner conversation, perhaps at
a fast-food setting.
I will forgo the boring details of each occurence I remember but lets just say
that I could probably enter the tales in a childrens essay contest or send the
stories to Readers Digest. Maybe it could result in some response from the
'stay at home moms' attempting to escape their daily grinds.
Whatever the results I am sure that its a safe bet there will be future entries
into this tale and on a weekly basis. I will be certain to let you know.